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RIP -- Jerry Springer

Former mayor of Cincinnati famously paid for prostitutes with checks leading to the end of his political career.

I hated his show but liked Jerry. He was self deprecating and didn’t take himself too seriously.
"And the father is....."
That guy?
Sorry, he led the way in popularizing America's path to absolute moral squalor.
I will not miss him.
They both had scum shows. Never watched either show but saw a number of cuts when channel surfing (when I used to watch TV).
Take Care Of Yourself and Each Other, I watched and enjoyed his shows 25-30? yrs ago, an old GF was on the show about her BF would rather Eat than have Sex (she was pretty Hot) she didn't tell me this personally but another mutual friend said she told her it was all made up and her and her BF got paid for the show
Take Care Of Yourself and Each Other, I watched and enjoyed his shows 25-30? yrs ago, an old GF was on the show about her BF would rather Eat than have Sex (she was pretty Hot) she didn't tell me this personally but another mutual friend said she told her it was all made up and her and her BF got paid for the show

That'd be the only way they could get people to make fools of themselves, but that just goes to show you how cheaply people can be bought.
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