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Boy, that was fun.....

They look rotten now, but had no issues. Can't tell the date, but if I hazard a guess, 10 to 15 years old and they looked perfectly fine with no dry rot at all.
I'd be surprised if the front tires had more than 5k miles on them. They still had the nubs on the side.
It was a Cooper tire. In fact I have another brand new one not even mounted, but I ain't using that tire now. I'll buy 5 new tires so I know they are good.
I had a Uniroyal Tiger Paw tire blow out but nothing like you had, tire looked great but I can’t remember how old it was and I’ve never bought that brand again, if they’re still even made, glad you and Lisa are OK 👍👍🙂
I had a Uniroyal Tiger Paw tire blow out but nothing like you had, tire looked great but I can’t remember how old it was and I’ve never bought that brand again, if they’re still even made, glad you and Lisa are OK 👍👍🙂

Lisa was driving my truck behind me and she saw the tire blow and shred. She said she saw me struggling with the wheel to hold it straight on the road until I could pull off. I forgot that a land yacht that size is a bear when they get unruly.
Holy cow. I’ve never seen a tire like that. It’s like every inch of the tire exploded at once.
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