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Dented Bumper = $42,000 Repair

$42K is a lot of money.
When my 2019 F-250 pickup truck was hit 3 weeks after I got it, it cost $12K to replace the 2 passenger doors.
All aluminum body is expensive to repair but, not THAT much. :eek:
My next project will be an old Chevy or ford truck with a BBC and look like Super Ugly Crapola, Ugly Truck Contest Winner, people tend to try to stay away from those vehicles, Far Far Away LOL
I took it out to the mountain trails last week and it performed flawlessly, got just above 15mpg out of the 396, and on the 2 lane highway, I could let my hand off the wheel for as long as the straights would allow.
A bit of low speed give in the front bushings, but given the car sat for probably 20 yrs and the entire front end is oem, and the tires are 20 yr old bias plys.....super happy. It does leak water a bit out of the pass. vent window and a drip out the rear lower pinch weld, but since it's got no carpet, I'm good with that. Heater works great, stereo cranks, and air shocks can support the bike with cargo.
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