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Trip to the PRNY

Being from Maryland my family fought on the Union side but we have very few records of it. I will say my family paid with their lives the reparations blacks demand now.
The north was fighting to "Save the Union!" Reminds me of today when they tell us Ukraine is about "saving democracy."
Lincoln was owned by the northern corporations and they knew they had the industry to defeat the South in a war.
They wanted what the South had and pushed Lincoln to provoke the South into a war.

Slavery was a huge issue but the war was fought over $$$ and political power like most wars.
The South felt they were being taxed and had no say in the matter. They were better off being seperate from the North.
That's the way I see it.
Sitting outside a family walked by. "Wow, look at the old Excursion, those things are beautiful!" I joked with the wife, we can go to car shows and enter the tow vehicle. She laughed.

I remembered I am in the land of rust, 2005 vehicles are a rare sight.

BUT.... We were leaving Niagara Falls State Park and in the trailer parking area was a 2005 Excursion, Gold in color like mine with a 35' camper behind it. Virginia plates. We all could not believe it.
I was there a long time ago, my wife and daughter's first time. We don't have passports so we were only on the US side.

Last time we went we joked when jumping back and forth from the US to Canada and back saying we were international travelers. That was before all the passport garbage and everyone was still friends and you didn't have to lock your doors at night.
Last time I was in Canada, I didn't even know I was, it was the Peace Garden in ND. They gave me a hassle coming back because I didn't have a Nexus card at least.
Looks like I need to do a campground repair, the Excursion's degas bottle has a small leak. I am picking up a Dorman bottle at Advance soon.
Get some coolant too.
Fixed it in the Advance parking lot, I bought 2 gallons of coolant, had to buy a catch pan in the store. Most of the people we have met here have been nice, they all sound like Kevin :)

Our campground loop is now a spot for Alto camper rally. The leader asked me this morning when I was leaving because they need sites. Rubbed me the wrong way. We will leave close to our checkout time in the morning.
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