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Trip to the PRNY


Shop Foreman
We are heading out on Sunday for the Socialist Republic of Maryland near where I grew up. I will take my ladies to Gettysburg, Antietam, Harpers Ferry and Monocacy Battlefields as well as some fun in the Frederick area. We will then leave for Niagara Falls in the Peoples Republic of New York, camping on the side of Lake Ontario. Next stop will be Watkins Glen State Park. Next will be Hershey "Fetterwoman" Pennsylvania.

Not as epic a trip as last year but this is another bucket list trip.
Been to Gettysburg many times and would go again in a heartbeat, despite its being in PA :(
Gettysburg is awesome.

Growing up in Western Md we had field trips to DC, Gettysburg, Harpers Ferry, can I say I got tired of he Smithsonian Air and Space Museum..

It is ironic that you never really go to places close to where you live. We didn't go to DC much, more Baltimore. Both cities are crap holes now and I won't go into them. We would like to go to Philly, same thing, crap hole.
Took the Excursion to Discount Tire this morning for a rotate and balance, someone else can move those heavy things around.

Loading up the camper, looking for a frickin mouse. Truck has tools in it, I need to find a better way, maybe a dedicated box but it will be a hoss. Fortunately an RV store is close to our first campground and we are not as remote as Montana in VA,MD, PA and NY
Made it to Cunningham Falls State Park in MD. Excursion did awesome as usual. Had some pretty good grades. One issue, forgot my wallet. My sister in law is going to overnight it to me, need to arrange it with a local UPS store. Tank goodness my wife has her set of cards.

Nice and cool in the 70s
Ah Gettysburg, I remember having to write the Address 15 times as punishment after laughing at Mr Steeley (Big MoFo) in 5th grade after him paddling me with his Prized wooden paddle with holes drilled in it, started with writing the Address only 5 times but an aunt and uncle that were in high school decided to help me out but the teacher noticed different hand writing 😆 I’ve never been to Gettysburg but for some strange reason Do Not like the place 😂
Just pick an address in Gettysburg....take maybe 2 minutes but probably get the paddle again.
It is a cool 46 degrees in MD this morning, turned the electric fireplace on.

We completed the battlefield tour yesterday with a trip to Antietam, the bloodiest battle of the Civil War. We visited Monocacy Battlefield in Frederick, MD, a smaller but very important battle waged to protect Washington DC. The crazy thing is I grew up in Frederick and never knew the history. My sister loved horses and she rode the Monocacy Battlefield all the time, her instructor and horse lived at the former farm before it became an historical site, in fact she lived in this house that is now a park building,

While there I sent pics to my sister, I told her I was looking for her horse Josie, she sent an emoji back of a tear in her eye.

We also visited the first Washington Monument. Located on top of South Mountain between Middletown and Boonsboro. The monument was used during the war as a Union lookout. "We" locals refer to it as the Mayonnaise Jar


Harpers Ferry WV is always a great place to visit for multiple historical reasons. John Brown was captured and executed here. Merriweather Lewis stopped here for supplies and to build his boat here starting his expedition. It is a railroad junction, C and O Canal and the confluence of the Potomac and Shenandoah rivers. It is also a major stop on the Appalachian Trail It is a must see stop. The picture below is taken from the railroad bridge, part of the trail.


Antietam is a somber place, walking on the Burnside bridge you thing of how many men died on it. This battle took place 3 days ahead of Gettysburg and was the bloodiest. Below is a picture of the Burnside Bridge.


It is strange to see the changes in the area but I can still get around the county without a map.

Today we hook up and head to New York. for the next leg of the adventure. Most of the preplanned items are done, now moving into parts unknown, all part of the adventure.
Oh Canada!

We are at Four Mile Creek State Park New York overlooking Lake Ontario and Toronto. It was a long ride here, Google Maps took us down some stupid roads.

Cool here, frost warning tonight, furnace and fireplace is on. Tomorrow, the Falls!
Gettysburg is awesome.
I watched a great video that explained why "Pickett's Charge" failed so miserably.
Cannonballs had fuses on them and the length of the fuse determined exactly when they would explode.
The fuses were too long and the cannonballs flew past the Yankee lines before igniting.
The rebels were mowed down because of that.

When people argue about slavery they have no idea what they are talking about. We all must learn history to accept where we came from and not to make the same mistakes.
I lost two family members in the Confederacy.
Christopher McLaurine was a sergeant that died at the very end of the war at the Battle of Franklin.
General Hood was a genuine dumbass who attacked the Yankees who were dug in extremely well and
protected by a huge ditch of thorns and a stone wall.
The rebel losses were huge and ended any chance the south had of winning. The rebs lost 7 generals that day.
I lost two family members in the Confederacy.
Christopher McLaurine was a sergeant that died at the very end of the war at the Battle of Franklin.
General Hood was a genuine dumbass who attacked the Yankees who were dug in extremely well and
protected by a huge ditch of thorns and a stone wall.
The rebel losses were huge and ended any chance the south had of winning. The rebs lost 7 generals that day.
Being from Maryland my family fought on the Union side but we have very few records of it. I will say my family paid with their lives the reparations blacks demand now.
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