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This is pretty fucked up:
“Last year during Gay Pride Month, Fox aired a segment celebrating a 6-year-old girl who was transitioned by her parents to become a boy, Ryland Whittington.

Whittington’s mother claimed that as a baby before her child could even speak she knew her daughter really wanted to be a boy.”

How would you know that? To believe so strongly in something you have zero proof or evidence of that you mutilate your child is mental illness.
As Harry Potter author JK Rowling said, “what if you’re wrong?”
This is pretty fucked up:
“Last year during Gay Pride Month, Fox aired a segment celebrating a 6-year-old girl who was transitioned by her parents to become a boy, Ryland Whittington.

Whittington’s mother claimed that as a baby before her child could even speak she knew her daughter really wanted to be a boy.”

How would you know that? To believe so strongly in something you have zero proof or evidence of that you mutilate your child is mental illness.
As Harry Potter author JK Rowling said, “what if you’re wrong?”
I know this is an old thread John, but since everything stated here is still applicable, I wanted to reply. In my view, this entire subject is a cultish religion with these people, and they follow it with faith and expect others to. Just as the THEORY of evolution once was. It's their religion and IMO it takes more faith to believe it than it does to believe what the Bible says. Now lest we knock this old thread off-topic, let me state that I have no doubt about some elements of the evolution theory having merit and being factually based. It's the main parts of it such as using parts of skeletal remains to piece together so called "evidence" that humanity progressed from apes as well as the entire universe beginning from some "big bang" which somehow converted absolutely nothing into everything, is what I view as being a cultish religion. And the fact that they taught that THEORY in public schools when I was a kid as being fact is what amazes me , (not sure if they still do, but there seems to be other things in schools now which are a whole lot worse for kids anyway).

Anyway, as far as Fox news, I remember hearing a couple years ago that one of the owners now is some woke liberal nut. IDK if that's true, but I also don't doubt if George Soros also has his hand in FOX.
Jesse Waters and Gutfeld are very solid. Fox has to do certain things (like neutral bathrooms) to operate in NYC.
Not sure how long they will let Jesse speak his mind.
They let Gutfeld do his thing because he's considered "comedy." That let's him get away with saying stuff that might get someone else in trouble.
Haven't watched FOX since they fired Tucker. I now follow certain people on their hosting platforms.

But yes, since Rupert stepped down and the Son took over, its moving more liberal. Though many will deny it, their stock and viewing numbers are showing the real story.
I view the MSM (including fox) as a gossip and tabloid source only. No unbiased news, just gossip and opinion. I have never been one to subscribe to heresy and garbage. I don't believe we'll ever get back to real journalism in it's truest form, and that being the case, I pick and choose what not to and what to believe based on my own "bullshit meter". What a shame it's become, but that's the new norm, so I detach from it and pioneer a new path without sources of valid information and use my intuition to validate based on the current and past track records of those who would stand on the soapbox for attention.
I remember guys like Walter Kronkite and when they said something I believed it to be Fact, I wonder how many people are out there believing whoever the Lib Media have propped up to be Factual, might be 81 million
Press is garbage. It’s a three way race with politicians and lawyers to see who are the shittiest human beings. They’ve been tremendously biased for as long as I can remember but they reported news albeit with the slant that favors their views. Now they bury legit news that opposed their narrative and promote stories they know to be fake.
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Press is garbage. It’s a three way race with politicians and lawyers to see who are the shiftiest human beings. They’ve been tremendously biased for as long as I can remember but they reported news albeit with the slant that favors their views. Now they bury legit news that opposed their narrative and promote stories they know to be fake.
It's actually a two way race since almost all politicians ARE lawyers, (which is our biggest problem).
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