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Got 2 new Tunnel Rams today


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Senior Member
For $33 each:eek:. Both are for SBC old school and are anodized black sheet metal Intakes. Couldn't pass them up for that price. Were shipped today so we'll see when they get here. I'll post a few pictures and one will go for sale at the swap meet in 2 weeks.
Good idea!
I have a lot of it written down, need to type it up yet.

Make sure you bring a few items with you though.... people want to see you actually have stuff and bring larger pictures like poster board size of all the stuff so they can see how much you have.
You selling at the GM show at the fairgrounds?
I'm thinking about it if I can get the trailer loaded in time.
Yes I am planning on swapping, I have some stuff and other peoples stuff that I take out to sell then they give me a % of the sale so it's easy money to sit there and sell stuff.
Wow!!!!!! Those are amazing. $33 each, you
practically stole them.
Ya with all the taxes and crap I have to pay these day, it's nice to get a deal once and a while. I put one on craigslist for $400, still $260 cheaper than Holley's price. I about fell over when I saw that $33 price so I clicked on it and hit buy now, then hit the hi perf loto jackpot.
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