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Non-Ethynol Racing Gas Available!

When spec'ing my '67 L78 engine, I used Dynamic Compression Ratio to analyze things, and I am certain it will run on 93 octane. I have a good friend in Washington State (on the old Chevelle forum) who owns a basically stock '69 L78 Chevelle SS (I have the same or very similar cam as he used that is close to the stock L78 GM solid lifter cam (by Howards). I have all the parts for the build, mostly all original GM vintage correct part numbers ($$$), but with my health issues I may never build it sadly. But, like Jim Carry said in "Dumb & Dumber" when he asked the pretty red head what his chances with her were based on 1 to 100 (or was it million?), & she replied "1". "So I have a chance!" he said! There's always hope!
Ole? and I’m very sorry to hear your health isn’t good
Ole? and I’m very sorry to hear your health isn’t good

Thanks Rick....I'm hangin in there, but my new life consists of Dr appts, blood work and treatments after 72 years of hating to go to the Dr and feeling healthy! Some things just happen. All we can do is make the best of what is thrown our way right? I enjoy every minute of my addiction to anything cars! (Since about 3 years old my Mom used to tell me). My Dad wasn't a car guy but we went to races together over the years and he really enjoyed going (Sarasota-Bradenton Speedway...1/4 mi. asphalt oval where Billy Gill and other Legends raced!), Daytona 500 twice. I was there in 1963 when the Chevrolet "Mystery Engine" was let loose on that track...that was really something to see! Then, of course there was Sebring (in 1966) when I attended with a car nut friend of my Sister's. I must have built 100 or more model cars while growing up, including 4 winners in the Revell-Pactra Model Car Contest in Florida in the early 60's. We also went to the Indy 500 a few times when we moved back to Illinois. Oh, one more thing. My first job was at Anderson Ford in Sarasota (washing cars, then parts dept). Anderson was an authorized Shelby Mustang/Cobra Dealership back then, and was it ever cool seeing those cars come and go (mainly go fast!).
Thanks Rick....I'm hangin in there, but my new life consists of Dr appts, blood work and treatments after 72 years of hating to go to the Dr and feeling healthy! Some things just happen. All we can do is make the best of what is thrown our way right? I enjoy every minute of my addiction to anything cars! (Since about 3 years old my Mom used to tell me). My Dad wasn't a car guy but we went to races together over the years and he really enjoyed going (Sarasota-Bradenton Speedway...1/4 mi. asphalt oval where Billy Gill and other Legends raced!), Daytona 500 twice. I was there in 1963 when the Chevrolet "Mystery Engine" was let loose on that track...that was really something to see! Then, of course there was Sebring (in 1966) when I attended with a car nut friend of my Sister's. I must have built 100 or more model cars while growing up, including 4 winners in the Revell-Pactra Model Car Contest in Florida in the early 60's. We also went to the Indy 500 a few times when we moved back to Illinois.
An old Gfriend of mine in the early 90’s and my best friends sister were from Indy and they had a family reunion during the Indy 500 so we’re up there a cpl days before the race and I ask the oldest brother that also still lived up there about how we go about going to the Big Race 😁 he said Oh we stopped going years ago and stay home and listen to it over loud speakers outside and in the house…😳😒🤔 So I figured they were Fn with the guy that ain’t from there, Race Day and…..He wasn’t joking, he owns and drove a hot lunch truck and started cooking real early in the morning and it turned out to be a Hell of a lot of fun, whole neighborhood makes a block party out of it 👍👍🙂
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