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Metal Church dropped a new album...

To quote the profound Homer Simpson........"why do we need new bands? everyone knows rock attained perfection in 1974."

with a few exceptions of course, Homer had a narrow bandwidth.
Going to disagree with that. There are tons of awesome metal bands that hit the scene in the 80s.
But of course, music is meant to be personal. .... but for me, AC/DC died with Bon, so 70s good, beyond that, not so good. A bit later, Van Halen died a slow death with Sammy. Montrose good, Hagar solo, not so good. Kiss before unmasked good, unmasked, not so good. ZZ Top El Loco and before, friggin down and dirty awesome....after not so much. Trower, Bridge of SSighs good, everything else blahhhh. Stones, the Who, Zep, Heart, all played it beyond their prime and shouldn't have. .02$
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