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Kimber 1911 45


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Man I’m looking hard at this but I’m sure Kathy would have a Fit if I did buy it, btw what’s a Fit anyway ? 😂 well can’t figure out how to get it from email but beautiful deeply engraved model 1911 45 cap for $1,000 from Palmetto State Armory
A fit is way of bringing their emotions to motion......it's healthy and should be provoked on occasion for therapeutic reasons. A great source of revitalizing sexual suppression also.
So, if a gun does it, there's really only one option.
A fit is way of bringing their emotions to motion......it's healthy and should be provoked on occasion for therapeutic reasons. A great source of revitalizing sexual suppression also.
So, if a gun does it, there's really only one option.
That needs at least 4 Likes 👍👍👍👍😁
How about a Wilson 1911. Try to find an older one that was lightly used. Tell Kathy you Love her! 💋
I'd pay a bit more for a used Wilson Combat or Ed Brown if a 1911 is your hearts desire. Kimber's ain't what they were, if they ever were.
One of these is my regular carry piece. For the $ its hard to beat, and with the $150 worth of smithing I've had done to it, I'd shoot it against any more expensive weapon.

Used pistols from Wilson Combat are still very expensive.

Even the used Ed Brown models are pricey:

For the money you can't beat a Magnum Research 1911. Both of mine have excellent triggers straight out of the box.

Bill Wilson, Ed Brown, Les Baer. I have had the opportunity to shoot them all. My Colt Gold Cup series 70 is no match for them.
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