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Not a sports fan, but you gotta love this...

I don't play or watch sports.
Except for basketball, football and golf.
I was pretty good at BB and golf in the early 70's
If anyone has noticed, the NFL and NBA have stopped weighing in on politics.
I think they learned their lesson.

I used to watch baseball with my Dad who was a really good semi-pro back in the early 40's.
WW2 ended his chance to be a major leaguer.
He was a Braves fan and we used to watch the Braves all thru the 1990's when they had John Smoltz, Tom Glavine, Greg Maddux and Steve Avery.
What a dominant bunch of pitchers they were !
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Never got into sports at all. My kids played sports and I watched them (and pushing them to excel in everything they did) is about as far as I got. If it didn't make me money (legally), I wasn't interested.
I played LL BB, Basketball on the Amelia Bullets in 5th grade, haven’t cared about sports grade school lol, the player sliding into Home plate was found Safe, all that mattered 👍😁
I didn't post this for everyone to start ripping on baseball. I don't like sports, but that was a pretty impressive play.
That's the beauty of the site Brian, people can express themselves either good or bad, and that's good. The play was impressive and one of many I'm sure (as I've seen a number of clips on youtube).
I'm with Jon, I think that orgainized sports are a blight on our country, but I admire anyone who has mastered his craft to that degree.
The worst thing about football (which I love to watch) is taxing citizens to pay for large NFL stadiums.
I left East Nashville because of rising property taxes and I could get twice the house moving outside the county.
My old house, which is a simple ranch with a full basement, sold for 290k just 3 years ago. Now it's valued at 450k.
Once Nashville builds their new $2 Billion Stadium for the Titans, I bet the property tax on my old home will double.
I have similar view as Dave. I enjoy seeing highlights of people pulling off impressive feats in any field, but have no interest in following sports teams.

I know a lot of people whose life revolves around their favorite sports team... The biggest thing that could happen in their lives would be that someone else wins a championship, while they watch it on their couch from home. To me, that's a pathetic existence...

My biggest complaint about sports fans is the tribalism of team fans. When you teach your 3 year old to say "Packers suck" and stuff like that, it seems like you're training them to intentionally avoid critical thinking. Sports fans are the worst when it comes to double-standards too... if my team does it, it's OK, and if your team does it, it's the worst thing ever.

I'm a racing fan, but I don't watch anything other than highlights after the fact. The fans are terrible too, especially F1 and NASCAR with that same tribal mentality.
I'd rather spend my weekends racing than watching other people do it. :)

One of my favorite arguments I had years ago with a football fan who was talking shit about racing... I asked "when is the last time you played competitive organized football?" to which he replied something like Senior year of HS 25 years ago... then I told him I raced 3 days before that, and was going racing again the following weekend... "While you're watching other people do it from your basement couch, I'm putting my helmet on and DOING IT 20 times a year"
Hockey is the only sport worth watching IMO. But I only watch High school hockey now if I watch at all.
I try to watch football, it's getting harder each season. Each hit is a calculated target or just a failed tackle since the league has hamstrung the process.
Watched a high school baseball game over the weekend, that was a good time save for the rap music over the intercom at each standstill.
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