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Randy Meisner of the Eagles.

I remember listening to my moms Linda Ronstat album when they were her back up band, since the early 70’s been a fan, RIP Randy
For a while, the high definition video of "Take it to the Limit" was on youtube.
The Eagles are terrible about allowing their stuff to be available for free.
So I can't post Randy singing the song he is most famous for. I have it on blu-ray and wish I could share it.
But you can listen to him hit the high note at the end because the audio is available ! He starts the hard high note at the 4:12 mark.

On my first job after college in a small civil engineering office in Sarasota, FL we always had the Tampa Country Music channel (WSUN?) on the radio and I remember listening to the Eagles all the time in their heyday! Great music nobody could match! RIP Randy!

I also remember hearing of the plane crash of the Lynyrd Skynyrd band in 1977 while working there.....love their music!
On my first job after college in a small civil engineering office in Sarasota, FL we always had the Tampa Country Music channel (WSUN?) on the radio and I remember listening to the Eagles all the time in their heyday! Great music nobody could match! RIP Randy!

I also remember hearing of the plane crash of the Lynyrd Skynyrd band in 1977 while working there.....love their music!
I think you've confused the Eagles with Lynard Skynard.
As a guy who can’t sing for shit but wishes that I could, I like those videos on YT. It brings an even greater appreciation for their amazing range and harmonies.
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