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Paul Reubens aka Pee-Wee Herman

Arrested in Sarasota, Florida for exposing himself in a porn theater.

This hits home with me, since I also grew up in Sarasota, as most of you know. It was an X (or XXX)-Rated Theater on the South Trail (US 41). I just realized today after my wife read the obit, etc. on Facebook that Paul & I attended the same Junior High School in the '60's in Sarasota County. I only recently found my old medleys, and when I was in 9th grade (that's actually a Freshman in a typical 4-year HS) there was little "Paul Rubenfeld" in the 7th grade pictures in my medley! I just realized this today! Many years later after returning to Sarasota after college, I served the remaining years of my US Army Reserve service in the local National Guard Unit where our neighbor also served, and when chatting one day he told me how he used to baby sit Paul back in the day!

It truly is a small world!
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This hits home with me, since I also grew up in Sarasota, as most of you know. It was an X (or XXX)-Rated Theater on the South Trail (US 41). I just realized today after my wife read the obit, etc. on Facebook that Paul & I attended the same Junior High School in the '60's in Sarasota County. I only recently found my old medleys, and when I was in 9th grade (that's actually a Freshman in a typical 4-year HS) there was little "Paul Reubenfeld" in the 7th grade pictures in my medley! I just realized this today! Many years later after returning to Sarasota after college, I served the remaining years of my US Army Reserve service in the local National Guard Unit where our neighbor also served, and when chatting one day he told me how he used to baby sit Paul back in the day!

It truly is a small world!
Post a pic if you can.....that's interesting.

I guess Mr. Wee was a child porn customer also, and had a hand in porn theatre as you all know. The film industry has quite a history in child porn and child molestation, yet anyone speaking out on the subject is ostracized from the group and media won't expose it.
Doesn't matter to me if he was famous or whatever. He was a sexual deviant and should have been in no way associated with or entertained children, and the film industry refused to police themselves.

What he did on his own time was his own business, but in the public eye it was unacceptable.

Sad part is I'm quite sure there are many more out there lurking in the shadows trying to lure kids into a sexual deviant's life.
Doesn't matter to me if he was famous or whatever. He was a sexual deviant and should have been in no way associated with or entertained children, and the film industry refused to police themselves.

What he did on his own time was his own business, but in the public eye it was unacceptable.

Sad part is I'm quite sure there are many more out there lurking in the shadows trying to lure kids into a sexual deviant's life.
Sex deviants are celebrated in this society.
Set up? I haven't heard this conspiracy theory, please indulge.
2 notable folks in history that were shot in a movie theater, Lincoln and the guy sitting in front of Mr. Wee.
Set up? I haven't heard this conspiracy theory, please indulge.
2 notable folks in history that were shot in a movie theater, Lincoln and the guy sitting in front of Mr. Wee.
Why would police worry about what's going on inside a XXX theater ? Is that what we want them focusing on ?
It's like writing speeding tickets for people going 35 mph in a 25 mph zone.


When Paul Reubens decided to go to an adult theater in his hometown of Sarasota, Florida, he had no idea he was about to tank his acting career — or at least damage it
considerably for a number of years. He'd become famous as his child-like alter ego Pee-wee Herman and had made two feature films and a CBS show — "Pee-wee's Playhouse"
— that began airing in September 1986

Inside the XXX South Trail Cinema, three detectives from the Sarasota County Sheriff's Office had set up a sting operation on the evening of July 26, 1991, and afterward arrested
Reubens and three other men who allegedly exposed themselves during the triple-feature, according to Entertainment Weekly. In the coming days, news of Reubens' arrest spread
across the media landscape with headlines like "Pee-wee's perverted playhouse" and the actor's arrest photo getting top billing. It became the story of the summer.

The detectives waited until Paul Reubens came out into the lobby after the film to arrest him on a misdemeanor charge of indecent exposure, according to Entertainment
Weekly. He told them he was Pee-wee Herman and suggested he could do a benefit for the sheriff's office if they dropped the charges, which the detectives didn't go for.
The officers took him to the county jail where he paid a $219 bond and they released him the same night, per the New York Daily News.

Reubens released a statement three days later through his publicist. "According to Paul, the facts as stated by the vice squad were totally untrue and he never exposed himself
or engaged in any other improper activities," Richard Grant & Associates said in the statement (via The Record). The statement did nothing to stop the media frenzy and Reubens
stayed out of sight while his case made its way through court.

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