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Sure can gas cans

The can should work very well, but at $47, they can keep it. I do need to find a new spout for mine, as it has that stupid button you have to hold for it to dispense - it is a royal pain on a '71 Chevelle to use it. I just want a spout with no valve whatsoever.
That Surecan looks like it’d work well but if you expect a gas can to last for 10-20 years I’d be worried that the joint or swivel at the bottom would eventually leak and the can would be useless because it would all drain out.

If I had any of the newer gas cans with the weird valve that doesn’t work for shit, I think I’d get this. Comes with vents to install in the plastic gas cans.

I've always used the VP 5-gallon cans. They work well, however I just had one split at the seams after about 20 years of service.
Been thinking about the old 5-gallon jerry cans for a replacement.
I'll be ordering some too but first I'll go to the garage the car's in and see if I need coarse or fine threads or do they just come with both threads? don't know why I'd ever need the other type thread so rather order what I need
I'll be ordering some too but first I'll go to the garage the car's in and see if I need coarse or fine threads or do they just come with both threads? don't know why I'd ever need the other type thread so rather order what I need
It comes with both, I just threw out the ones I did not need.

I had 4 can needing spouts, all 4 have these on them now.
Bought 2 5 gal. sure cans they're just ok. They are still kind of slow, but you don't have to hold the can.
My local feed store carries gas cans like the VP one above. they're about the same price as Amazon as well. Only type ill buy anymore.

If you are looking for just a vent, I use standard rubber pull through valve stems. Then take the cores out.
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