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How about some Little River band??

I was listening to them last night. I think most of them are christians, especially Birtles and Goble.
I've always liked this one :

Fall From Paradise

They were still pretty good when we saw them about 12 years ago saw 3 Dog Night at the same time.
One of the best songs of all time ! This concert in Australia in 2003 was their last big hurrah.
Hard to believe this was 20 years ago. I own the concert DVD which is amazing but is no longer available for sale.
Very sad.

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I just had to share a great memory of my Dad :

He was born to a poor farming family west of Richmond VA in 1920.
He was a good athlete who played every sport but was very good at baseball.
He survived WW2 and was an engineer at DuPont. He had a long career there.
I doubt he ever listened to music !

In 1977, I had just graduated from college and was still living at home.
I was making good money, so I bought a nice stereo system from a store in south Nashville (Hifi Buys) and set it up in our downstairs living room.
I had just bought "Sleeper Catcher" , the new LRB album; probablly because of their two monster hits "Reminiscing" and "Lady."

I put the album on just as Dad came home from work.
RED-HEADED WILDFLOWER started to play.
He started dancing ! I had never seen him do that ! We both laughed.
I will never forget that moment.

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I just had to share a great memory of my Dad :

He was born to a poor farming family west of Richmond VA in 1920.
He was a good athlete who played every sport but was very good at baseball.
He survived WW2 and was an engineer at DuPont. He had a long career there.
I doubt he ever listened to music !

In 1977, I had just graduated from college and was still living at home.
I was making good money, so I bought a nice stereo system from a store in south Nashville (Hifi Buys) and set it up in our downstairs living room.
I had just bought "Sleeper Catcher" , the new LRB album; probablly because of their two monster hits "Reminiscing" and "Lady."

I put the album on just as Dad came home from work.
RED-HEADED WILDFLOWER started to play.
He started dancing ! I had never seen him do that ! We both laughed.
I will never forget that moment.

Very touching Beth. Sometimes it's the simplest things that bring us the most enjoyment. Your Dad is still alive in your heart.
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