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WTB, Aluminum or light steel flywheel for 327 and Muncie.


Veteran Member
The one I had seems to have gotten tired or waiting to be used and rolled itself away?
Or it was stolen by some of the contract "Help" I hade here a year ago. :mad:
In any case I need another and hate to pay retail, so what have you got?
I have 2 GM factory steel, but I'm saving them for the two 327's I have, otherwise I'd be happy to share. Sorry.
Expecting this car to shake and shudder at idle, then go like a scalded cat when I hit the gas.
Need a Light flywheel.
I wouldn't go any lighter than 30lb for steel, had 1 warp pretty bad with low miles, but heavy abuse....it was garbage. If you want light, go alum. Never heard of an alum pres. plate, but I'd do a lot of research if you had that in mind.
Good info on the light steel flywheel.

Porsche used to have an aluminum pressure plate.
Not sure why they stopped making them.
Now highly sought after by Alfa Romeo guys as they interchange.
They do not seem to be any less durable than standard steel.
I do not do drag-race starts so not as abusive as some drivers.
Never seen one like that before, but wondering what the difference in weight is, and is it worthwhile cost wise.
I had a light weight alum flywheel in my 84 T/A with a 5 speed behind a 305HO then a 400-425 hp 355 and never any problems with it
I have a lightweight steel flywheel from Centerforce in my car.
I never weighed the flywheel by itself, but the flywheel with clutch was 10lbs lighter than stock.
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