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Car Prices

Is there some markup or is that the regular factory price? That’s nuts.
I’m amazed at how much people are willing to spend on cars. For a lot of people that price is equal to every after tax dollar you make for a year or more.
Anyone who buys cars like that or the 75k pickups and then can’t retire when they are eligible is doing it wrong.

You are giving away years of your retirement to drive a cute car that ultimately no one else on the road gives a shit about.

If you are paying a markup to be the first on your block to own a car like that you need to get your head checked.
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I didn't know there was a "Raptor" version of the Bronco.
I just looked it up... 418hp twin-turbo V6, 37" tires, upgraded suspension, FOX shocks, etc.

A regular Bronco is about half that price.
Yeah, still $70k more than I'd spend, but then again I'm frugal and don't like buying garbage either. That's why I'm building an old school diesel dually for myself. Drop the extended cab on the dually frame, buy seats out of a 2016 - 2018 F150, have the bench recovered to match the front and I'll have a 10x more dependable truck than the garbage they sell now. No electronics, just diesel and an old school IDI engine. They can't be stopped.
I know the dealer that has this. He will keep it in stock and most likely he will sell it to someone from out of town searching for an unusual piece. When people have money they will spend it.
I missed the part about it being a Raptor version. Still more than I’d pay but at least that makes some sense.
We sold the first (and so far, only) one we got yesterday for $30K over sticker, the guy drove from Louisiana to get it and was overjoyed that we were not charging the $50K over that some dealers are. He'd been tracking it online for days, and one of the salesmen was smart enought to lock him down before we got it. He had signed paperwork, a $50K bank check and the rest approved financing (the guy was an 840 beacon!) before the guy showed up. Other salespeople were calling their customers when they saw it, but too late. Several people showed up and were allowed to look at it but not sit in it or drive it, as it already belonged to someone else. I was told we have 4 more coming and all 4 are sold for the same $30K over. Some people just have to be the first ones to have something and are fortunate enough to be able to afford it.
Looks like another man-bun rig. My buddy just bought a rubicon 2dr after I finished my CJ-5, had it for a year and a half and now wants to sell. That doesn't happen when you buy a good vintage CJ. Just find new trails.
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