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What’d you buy?

Bought a brand new bigger house 😳,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,for Chip our Bird 😁


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Nice, a bigger cell for good behavior?
Kathy had me take some living room furniture out before I went to work this morning then I come home to find this on the door step, Hum


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Chip got a New house that no other bird ever lived in 🤣


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The seller of the bike I bought told me the reason he sold it, Phizer Covid shot in his Right arm has caused some paralysis and he’s lost his sense of balance, he said more but basically same thing so said he can’t ride anymore 😕
The seller of the bike I bought told me the reason he sold it, Phizer Covid shot in his Right arm has caused some paralysis and he’s lost his sense of balance, he said more but basically same thing so said he can’t ride anymore 😕
Cleaned up nice not buffed & waxed yet


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I lost my new 3,500 psi Craftsman pressure washer when I got divorced, and have not had one since. Its spring here in Texas and I reaally needed one, so I found a 2,500 psi electric Westinghouse with good reviews and got it from Lowes for $160.00. My expectations were low, but damn, this little thing kicks ass! Main reasaon I wanted an electric is tha gas ones are noisy as hell, this one makes a noise like a shop vac, but not as loud.
For once, money well spent.
I bought this pressure washer from lowes last year and it's pretty good. My last gas powered one was a 2850 psi 2.6 gpm. The key is to make sure it puts out enough water otherwise the pressure means nothing.
This one is a 1.7 gpm. We did concrete and brick with it today, and it did well. I can't imagine anything else I'd need one for.
I use mine for cleaning greasy engine parts and anything else that might need it. I have the concrete disk for cleaning driveways, but since I don't have a concrete driveway anymore, not sure if I'd ever use that again (maybe for the back porch). I bought it to clean the Massey Ferguson tractor last year as it was caked in grease and I needed to replace the seals.
That back seat is coming Off 👍🙂 another friend has some seats he’s offered me that will be rear rider comfortable 👍👍🙂
I haven’t got it to my place yet but my brother from another mother had my “nephew since he was 7yrs old” ride to his house and washed it off, Screaming Eagle model with an alarm system 👍👍trying to make room to get it home Sun, Mon latest, very safe where it is though
Regarding that morphadite Harley thing. If (a big if) all of them run that has to be some sort of record for consecutive running harleys.
Regarding that morphadite Harley thing. If (a big if) all of them run that has to be some sort of record for consecutive running harleys.
I’ve rode some bikes that shouldn’t have been on the ride but that one takes the cake and I wouldn’t be caught on a public road with it, I’m thinking it’s just a novelty bike
My ballistic sunglasses arrived today. I was watching another pair on eBay and some idiot bid them up higher than retail. Total moron.


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