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What’d you buy?

$116 Jumbo Furry kid bed then we sent 2 more to Ky for the oldest kids 2 large Blond Labs, I could probably Nap on one 🤣 Oh and 20’ of this hose so I can relocate my trans cooler since the ac drier had to go in its location, yesterday I “bought” or copayed $235 for RFA on my R side lower lumbar 2 weeks will be L side then 2 more weeks R side neck then 2 more weeks L side neck, $235 co pay each time 😕


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$116 Jumbo Furry kid bed then we sent 2 more to Ky for the oldest kids 2 large Blond Labs, I could probably Nap on one 🤣 Oh and 20’ of this hose so I can relocate my trans cooler since the ac drier had to go in its location, yesterday I “bought” or copayed $235 for RFA on my R side lower lumbar 2 weeks will be L side then 2 more weeks R side neck then 2 more weeks L side neck, $235 co pay each time 😕

If Kathy gets mad at you again you may have to use one of those doggy beds, so it might be safe to pick one up now. ;)
I should have just pulled $400 out and said he paid it all and not said anything about getting the bal the following day but 1 small lie usually Leeds to more and bigger ones, I picked up a 12 pack & bag of ice so hanging at the Chevelle wasn’t bad 👍👍😆

That's the cool thing about having my barndominium..... it's all right there and I don't have to go far. Don't even get wet if it's raining. :cool:
That's the cool thing about having my barndominium..... it's all right there and I don't have to go far. Don't even get wet if it's raining. :cool:
In 2014 I tried to get a permit for a prefab metal garage, 32’ deep 26’ wide but because of metal roof was Turned Down, said it either had to have a shingle roof to match house or put a metal roof on house 🙄
That's St. Pete for you. Liberal dumbasses.
I thought about doing the prefab then screwing down something to hold the shingles down but would’ve voided the bldg warranty so said F it, been renting those 2 garages where we went since 2016 for $390 month, could’ve put up at least 2 prefabs lol
I thought about doing the prefab then screwing down something to hold the shingles down but would’ve voided the bldg warranty so said F it, been renting those 2 garages where we went since 2016 for $390 month, could’ve put up at least 2 prefabs lol

In 2.5 years you'd save enough to pay for that building now, but I'm thinking you don't want to put a steel roof on the house.
In 2.5 years you'd save enough to pay for that building now, but I'm thinking you don't want to put a steel roof on the house.
Had a new shingle roof put on in 06 so 2014 still seemed a little new to me, plus have those oak trees canopying the house when limbs drop it beat the shit out of a metal roof, I’d think? I should’ve said F the warranty
Had a new shingle roof put on in 06 so 2014 still seemed a little new to me, plus have those oak trees canopying the house when limbs drop it beat the shit out of a metal roof, I’d think? I should’ve said F the warranty

Nah, unless it's a huge limb, the metal roof would withstand damage better than shingles would.
That bldg in 2014 was $5,500 built on my slab, 1 man door, 1 roll up garage door, 2 windows, insul package and some other small detail but I had to get the permit, it was through Carolina Carports
Got the nylon braided Evil hose to move the trans cooler, need to go there to look at what fittings I’ll need and order them


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I ended up ordering a universal parallel flow AC condenser from ColdHose. It’s 14x24 which I think is as big as you can go without modifying the core support. Some of the 66-67 specific condenser kits such as Vintage Air etc have kits that come with some prebent hard lines. Issue I have is that they seem to route the lines directly up under the core support instead of the way the factory did it. I’d rather the lines be route the way GM did it.

Question is, is it reasonable to bend your own hard lines? I imagine they are harder to bend without kinking due to their size and probably unlike brake lines, you can’t (easily) put your own fittings on the end.
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My experience has been unless you have a bender the likelihood of you kinking it is pretty high. Those lines are pretty rigid.
I made a New BFF that’s a Mobile Boat & Auto ac guy with an air compressor on his truck and air crimp tool along with rolls of diff size hose, I think trying to RE end prevent lines will end up with kinks Damn this iPhone, RE bending Pre bent lines may kink
I ended up ordering a universal parallel flow AC condenser from ColdHose. It’s 14x24 which I think is as big as you can go without modifying the core support. Some of the 66-67 specific condenser kits such as Vintage Air etc have kits that come with some prebent hard lines. Issue I have is that they seem to route the lines directly up under the core support instead of the way the factory did it. I’d rather the lines be route the way GM did it.

Question is, is it reasonable to bend your own hard lines? I imagine they are harder to bend without kinking due to their size and probably unlike brake lines, you can’t (easily) put your own fittings on the end.
I don't know how good this is, but if you're looking to buy more tools.
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