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Our little annual bass tourney car show.

In 78 I broke a rod in a 69 Roadrunner 383 mag 4 spd and drove it a few more days but it wouldn’t go over 30-35 mph then locked up, In 82 or 83 I broke a rod in a 71 Cuda 383 mag, pistol grip 4spd and it locked up right away, I stayed away from Mopars for a very long time after that lol, Beautiful cars at that show, before buying our 68 I came Very close to buying a 57 Bel Air HT but a good friend was right in the middle of restoring a 56 Bel Air and when I told him about thinking about the 57 he showed me some receipts and Really opened my eyes, the 57 was a driver that looked nice but sure it needed plenty, thanks for sharing pics 👍👍🙂
They had some nice ones this year, most cars I've seen here 71. Not that big of a car culture up here.
I had a 71 Dodge Demon 340/ 4 speed like the orange one in the pic.
I would probably still have it if I didn't smack my neighbors VW bug head on while it was parked. That pic brings back some fond memories.
I had a 71 Dodge Demon 340/ 4 speed like the orange one in the pic.
I would probably still have it if I didn't smack my neighbors VW bug head on while it was parked. That pic brings back some fond memories.
I had the rear end out of a 71 Demon in my 73 340 4spd Duster, changed the car in a very good way but don’t remember what gears I had to begin with or what gears the stock wrecked Demon had, I do remember it was a posi
My friends Dad had one like that he drove as a daily driver. They had lots of kids so they couldn't afford much. Wonder if he still has it (probably not).
My friend still has his it's currently getting AC & some sound deadening, not sure what all he has in store. It had a paint job a few years back too.
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