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Rivian CEO is a pretty arrogant ass...

Great way to sell more EV's, insult the public. The best way to sell is to let people make up their own minds, but like most arrogant idiots, his sales pitch includes insults.
Yeah, genius. Just lambast those who are smart enough to avoid EVs right now. That will surely make people run to buy your vehicles. Ass.

Screw the jerk. Rivian is a crap product that has been close to bankruptcy. The CEO fool cannot see that the EV market is limited do to earth resources.
I saw one last week pulling a boat hope he was looking was looking for a place to charge because where he was at there was none.
Besides that they are stupid looking.
What an asshole.
Ho hum, just channeling some of Elon Musky's past attitude.
I have to live long enough to witness the day these 'Tards have to admit they were wrong.
Hopefully three to five years will do it.
Gas stations are NOT fading away, more are being built.
Ridiculous hyperbole. A person buying an ICE vehicle today will not regret that purchase due to lack of gas stations in that vehicle’s lifetime.
In 10 years an ICE pickup will still be easier to live with for most people than a 10 year old electric pickup and it’s much much much much easier to live with today.
In 10 years a 10 year old Silverado or F150 ICE will be less obsolete than a 10 year old Rivian.

Buy a Rivian if it makes you feel good and need a bed to haul your groceries but a comparable ICE truck is a far more logical choice today and likely for years to come.

And if he wants to talk about risk and regret, how about sinking $75,000 into a brand no one had heard about 2 years ago? Will a person still be able to get parts in 5-10 years?
EV’s are heavy to begin with, through a load like a real work truck sees and see how long it lasts, I’m thinking No where near 250K miles
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