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Rat or Mouse in my Truck


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I just took my friend that gave me a gun safe hand truck back to him, came home and opened the door of my 09 Ram that I bought new and seen a mouse or small rat crawling in the door jamb into the firewall area 😳 when there’s 1 there’s usually a Dozen so how do I get rid of them? Kathy feeds Squirrels and I’ve seen field mice or rats eat leftovers and haven’t complained much because of her health I figured she can do whatever she wants Edit WO me Complaining 🙂 but I just told her No more feeding Squirrels, her 2020 RAV4 sits in the driveway weeks at a time before getting driven 🤨
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That really got my Heart racing because I know some wiring in cars is made from Sow Bean Oil and critters Love eating the insulation and you know where that leads New wiring 🤬
Happened to my brother with a nissan pickup he has. Mice ate the wiring harness. Cost him almost 3k to have the harness replaced.
Mint oil in a diffuser, Mint oil sprayed in the car, if you can tolerate the smell.
Has to be reapplied frequently but is all I have found that actually works.
In theory it does not have to be strong enough for humans to smell as the vermin have more sensitive noses.
I use "Rodent Sheriff" in the kitchen cabinets.
Kathy just ordered Peppermint oil in a large spray bottle from Amazon, I’m going to a local Do It Yourself Pest Control store in the morning to see what they have, I’m so pissed I can’t think of anything but that little Shithead, many years ago I seen 1 mouse run across my MIL floor so I went and bought a (1) mouse trap and set it with Peanut Butter before we all sat down to watch a movie, during that 2ish hour movie I caught 15 mice 😳 next day I found they were getting in around the range wire coming up through the kitchen floor, I stuffed hardware screen in the wire hole and filled it with caulk and that seemed to work, now I use Steel Wool and Spray Foam 👍🙂
Just caught a mouse in my shop a couple of days ago. I put glue traps behind the upright freezer. Second one I caught there.
Just caught a mouse in my shop a couple of days ago. I put glue traps behind the upright freezer. Second one I caught there.
I don’t think they’re getting inside the truck cab or I’d put a glue trap inside the cab, wonder if I should put 1 under the hood somewhere?
I don’t think they’re getting inside the truck cab or I’d put a glue trap inside the cab, wonder if I should put 1 under the hood somewhere?

That's what my brother did (put it under the hood) and he caught more than 10. His wife was pissed he was killing them. She wanted him to trap them in a little trap and relocate them. I was like, "I pay the damn mortgage and you didn't pay your fair share you little bitches, so it's time for you to die". My brother felt the same way, but he lives with her, so he had to do what she wanted. I made no comment because I didn't want him to feel bad.
That's what my brother did (put it under the hood) and he caught more than 10. His wife was pissed he was killing them. She wanted him to trap them in a little trap and relocate them. I was like, "I pay the damn mortgage and you didn't pay your fair share you little bitches, so it's time for you to die". My brother felt the same way, but he lives with her, so he had to do what she wanted. I made no comment because I didn't want him to feel bad.
I’m going to Home Depot now to get glue traps, Fuck those little Shitheads!! Then into a 5 gal bucket-O-water 👍👍😁 be back later
Just looked under hood and door jamb, there’s a gap right above the lower hinge that it must of went into and I’m thinking steel wool and spray foam? probably same on Pass side, and I’ve had a check engine light that auto parts store guys don’t know why it lights up 🤨 I haven’t seen Knaw/Teeth marks anywhere, Yet


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I have no mercy on rodents, even caught mice with my hands and slam them to the ground and stomp on them.

IDK if you can do it but build a water bucket trap

When I saw the title of this thread : "Rat or Mouse in my Truck" , I thought you were asking
if you should install a BBC or SBC engine in your truck ?
Same here.

I had mice raiding my garden last year. I put a bunch of these baited with peanut butter and small marshmallow. Caught a bunch of ‘em this year.

Well Kathy said NO!!! She’s worried Squirrels will get caught 🤨 said Peppermint oil will be here tomorrow 🤬
Feeding the squirrils is whats drawing the mice to your house and cars they follow each other from place to place. You'll never rid the area of mice unless you stop whats drawing them to your place. The squirrils are cute but they are destructive little creatures they will take the eggs from bird nests and kill the birds in the area off.
Forgot to say the squirrils are messy eaters and what falls out of the mouths of the squirrilles feeds the mice too.
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