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Rat or Mouse in my Truck

The only good wolf in the lower 48 is a dead one.
We spent a lot of time and money on eradicating them, then the eco-nuts forced them back on the states.
They do make very nice coats, not sure how many hides are required.
Speaking of coats in the 60’s my Gfather on moms side was a union brick/block mason and winter would trap Muskrat for coat lining some fur coats were Muskrat, I still have a scar on my thumb from helping skin them
I need to get some trail cams to watch what wanders around at night. My birds stay in locked houses and are locked in and let out by automatic doors every day. They do free range in my fenced yard and my dogs are outside a lot with them. I have read that cayotes do not like dog smell and will stay away but hawks, possums and skunks do not care.
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