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House with a view.

Now, while I agree it's a beautiful home and I'd have likely considered buying or building something like that 20 to 30 years ago, all I see is tons on maintenance which is what I've strived to get away from in the last 10 years.

I'm not sure if we change our perspective as we get older, but I'd rather concentrate my time on doing things I want to do instead of being tied down to something I have to do. Call me lazy if you like, but I see it as logical.
I doubt the owner does any maintenance, not sure if he could change a light bulb.
Wife used to work for him about 25 years ago.
The people here that live "up the lake" most think they are a few steps above the non lakers.
Costs nothing to die, it's the "monument" that costs, and at a time when most are grieving (and I say most because sometimes we are happy when someone dies), those who take on the gruesome task of preparing a vessel or shell take advantage selling products and services to make those who grieve feel better about themselves.

Before my Dad died he and my Mom had started planning (it was inevitable as he had bone cancer and only had months to live), and a family friend who sold those services came to us and helped plan told us that the caskets had unbelievable markup and they really shouldn't be that way, and showed us the actual cost as to what they usually charge. My Dad and Mom purchased a modest casket for my Dad and the normal price was like $4 and he was able to sell it to my Dad for 1/3 the price. Still tough talking and remembering it, but it struck me as criminal what the funeral homes did at a time when people were grieving. I understand you need to make money to survive, but damn, I saw it like the final "fuck you" before they dropped your ass in the ground.

I told Lisa to put my ugly ass in a cardboard box with my ass facing up so all those I didn't like who came to make sure I was really dead could kiss my ass one final time so I got the last word.
Whatever people want is fine with me. That house is to big, and no real yard. Love the access to water. So many people want a house to entertain in, not us, we don't hardly ever have people over. Just need enough room for the kids to come home and visit.

I would be perfectly fine in a mobile home, we live in a modular so it did come assembled in 4 pieces and put together in 1 day. Call me trailer trash, I don't care.
Whatever people want is fine with me. That house is to big, and no real yard. Love the access to water. So many people want a house to entertain in, not us, we don't hardly ever have people over. Just need enough room for the kids to come home and visit.

I would be perfectly fine in a mobile home, we live in a modular so it did come assembled in 4 pieces and put together in 1 day. Call me trailer trash, I don't care.
That's what I have, mine was 2 pieces.

Now, while I agree it's a beautiful home and I'd have likely considered buying or building something like that 20 to 30 years ago, all I see is tons on maintenance which is what I've strived to get away from in the last 10 years.

I'm not sure if we change our perspective as we get older, but I'd rather concentrate my time on doing things I want to do instead of being tied down to something I have to do. Call me lazy if you like, but I see it as logical.
If you can afford that house, you'd be paying someone else to work on it. LOL
The constructors & contractors around here would rather go & work on these home too because they charge them more & never get questioned.
My neighbor had his house sided & the guy doing it told that when he can go to the lake & work he makes way more.
Took him 2 months to do the neighbor's house because of that.
Almost bought this this summer.:( Off the grid and self sufficient.
1 of only 4 houses on the whole lake. The only way to get to it in the winter was snow mobile.
As Kevin said, if it was even 20 years ago, I would have bought it. But, it was 7 1/2 hours away from me.
Places like this don't come up for sale too often.
When I found it, they wanted $499,900. Sold for $450,000. I would have offered less.
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