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Anyone using one of these Royal PITA phones? I want to Stomp on this damn thing just about every time I want to write something, I write Vette it auto corrects and puts Bette etc etc, can’t find the section to turn this off, if it’s dark out and taking a pic it takes a cpl seconds to snap a pic, thing drives me nuts but it’s great for Face Time when I’m shopping I can talk and show Kathy the stuff on the shelf and with 2 sets of 2 Gkids living out of town it’s great to be able to talk and see them at the same time other than that this thing would be gone and I normally wouldn’t pay more than $125-150, this thing was about a grand, my friend does have some unlocked for about $100 but I didn’t want to try one, probably should’ve then wouldn’t feel bad about Stomping on it lol Edit I found what I think I was looking for, still dont like this thing
Anyone using one of these Royal PITA phones? I want to Stomp on this damn thing just about every time I want to write something, I write Vette it auto corrects and puts Bette etc etc, can’t find the section to turn this off, if it’s dark out and taking a pic it takes a cpl seconds to snap a pic, thing drives me nuts but it’s great for Face Time when I’m shopping I can talk and show Kathy the stuff on the shelf and with 2 sets of 2 Gkids living out of town it’s great to be able to talk and see them at the same time other than that this thing would be gone and I normally wouldn’t pay more than $125-150, this thing was about a grand, my friend does have some unlocked for about $100 but I didn’t want to try one, probably should’ve then wouldn’t feel bad about Stomping on it lol Edit I found what I think I was looking for, still dont like this thing
I just have a flip phone & that's bad enough. Put it this way cell phone suck.
I hate having a cell phone now. I was one of the early adopters because of business (construction) and had one of the first "bag phones" and cost a buttload back then. I think it was like $0.35 a minute and analog back then. Lisa broke down on the highway (flat tire) and some guy with super long hair and looked questionable stopped to change her tire and I told her when she got home she was getting a phone too as she had AAA but no way to call them when broke down on the highway, and thus began our journey into cell phones. Lisa will keep her's but I'd love to dump mine, but Lisa won't let me. :cautious:
Mine is used a lot for work, I can enter serial numbers on different brand websites for warranty info, parts lookup, price & availability, call tech support from some ones home to get a billable ticket open, let people know I'm leaving a repair and on my way to there home etc, in my job it's a must have tool
Hope this does it for you ; looks simple :)

By default, the auto-correct feature is enabled on every iPhone. Here’s how you can disable auto-correct in keyboard settings on iPhone –

1. First, go to Settings -> General on your iPhone.

2. Select the “Keyboard” settings option.

3. Then, locate the “Auto-Correction” toggle and turn it off.

Hope this does it for you ; looks simple :)

By default, the auto-correct feature is enabled on every iPhone. Here’s how you can disable auto-correct in keyboard settings on iPhone –

1. First, go to Settings -> General on your iPhone.

2. Select the “Keyboard” settings option.

3. Then, locate the “Auto-Correction” toggle and turn it off.

View attachment 15480
I was messing around last night and found that :) my oldest stepdaughter sent me a tutorial but it was so damn fast it didn't do me any good :ROFLMAO:
I turned autocorrect off because it doesn’t work. It autocorrects the stupidest shit, like the other day when I was trying to type the word “bottom” and it repeatedly changed it to ”bottI’m”. What kind of idiot designs something that does that? It didn’t just do it once, it did it to the point I was ready to smash the phone.
All cell phones suck, period. Android or iPhone, they all have problems and have become such a focus in life that people no longer communicate face to face. Just text.

I don't want to carry a phone now but my wife wants the kids or herself to reach me whenever they need to.

Hell, I don't even pick up calls now as it is and usually let it go to voicemail and then I might listen to it at some point.

I tell people if they want to reach me to call my wife and she can relay the message.

I hate feeling tethered.
Problem I have with my I-phone is after I send a text, the microphone comes on and records everything I say.
I have no idea why. I have to get off text as soon as I send it or it starts recording.
I sometimes talk to myself after I send a text and I`m sure I don't want it sent by mistake. :unsure: :ROFLMAO:
Problem I have with my I-phone is after I send a text, the microphone comes on and records everything I say.
I have no idea why. I have to get off text as soon as I send it or it starts recording.
I sometimes talk to myself after I send a text and I`m sure I don't want it sent by mistake. :unsure: :ROFLMAO:

Yeah, that'd be bad for me because usually after a text or conversation all kinds of obscenities come out. Lisa often uses the voice feature for messages and if I'm in the room it always catches what I'm saying and Lisa has to delete the message because it's usually me cussing. Once she didn't catch it fast enough and sent the message and the response was pretty funny. Lisa had to apologize. I thought it was funny as hell.
Problem I have with my I-phone is after I send a text, the microphone comes on and records everything I say.
I have no idea why. I have to get off text as soon as I send it or it starts recording.
I sometimes talk to myself after I send a text and I`m sure I don't want it sent by mistake. :unsure: :ROFLMAO:
That's the ONLY time my Talk to Text seems to work, After I get frustrated trying to T to T then type it, Then Cuss at the phone it Records :(
Mine is usually turned off.
I would not have one at all if the state had not forced me to get one for "Identity verification" during the China Virus.
I was OK with using it until I was then told, "Your cell phone is your identity". WTF!?
Apparently abusing our Social Security numbers is no longer enough for the big brother types.
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