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What’s the consensus on Champion aluminum radiators?


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I just feel like pushing the easy button on my leaky radiator. I’ve seen the Champion aluminum radiators on EBay and Jegs for 250ish. Undoubtedly they are made in China but are they any good? Or would I be better off having my 25 year old parts store replacement repaired? I’d rather just order one rather than spend time trying to find an old timey radiator shop.

Rock Auto also has Liland Global brand for about the same price although Champion claims to have a “limited” lifetime warranty.
I just feel like pushing the easy button on my leaky radiator. I’ve seen the Champion aluminum radiators on EBay and Jegs for 250ish. Undoubtedly they are made in China but are they any good? Or would I be better off having my 25 year old parts store replacement repaired? I’d rather just order one rather than spend time trying to find an old timey radiator shop.

Rock Auto also has Liland Global brand for about the same price although Champion claims to have a “limited” lifetime warranty.
I have a 30 year old radiator I need to have repaired, finally found a shop. IMO radiators are not what they once were.
I bought a Champion alum rad in 2011/12 and only problem if you can call it a problem was when I modded a Windstar Efan to it I had to put a 90* for the petcock and the petcock broke so I had to replace it but that could've been my fault? otherwise very nice rad, came with an 11 lb cap
I have a Northern radiator in my Monte, been 15 years no issues. I don't know if they are ChiCom made or not.
I have a champion in the jeep, no issues other than it's hp ratings are a little optimistic. Still works just fine, but won't hold the t-stat temp....climbs to 205 on a hot day in traffic. Good dual 11 inch e fans with shroud.
Removed the old one, it's leaking in several places including a few from the tubes, plus it has a ton of gunk in it. I'm just going to replace it. I can't imagine a recore is going to be less than $250
All that gunk is throughout your cooling system and block
No doubt but the radiator had more miles on it with a different engine than it does with the current one. That one was a worn out 70s 350 from a pickup with who knows how many miles on it.
If you can pull the block plugs to so you can flush the block before putting a new rad in or it’ll get in the new rad, in the early 80’s I had a 73 Monte with a 350 that a freeze plug started leaking and when I replaced found so much rust crap inside I decided to replace them all with brass plugs, even replaced the rear after sliding the trans back while laying in the grass in my backyard uhg, anyway something to check maybe tap on a cpl to see if they seem solid, hope they’re ok
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If you can pull the block plugs to so you can flush the block before putting a new rad in or it’ll get in the new rad

I don't think it really has that much in it. Looked clean from what little I could see inside. This engine was new in 2005 and only has maybe 1500 miles
Hmmm. I haven't ordered it yet. The Champion they say fits is over 33" wide. Mine is 26. I guess that's small block vs big block radiator? I'll have to measure but IIRC the radiator support won't accomodate the larger radiator.
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