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Myrtle Beach State Park

A friend of mine used to have a timeshare in Myrtle Beach, they would go in April I think.
Supposed to be mid 40s here next week.
Rained today, We went to our favorite deli in Murrells Inlet for lunch after going to the Nature Center at Huntington Beach State Park, went into MB and played mini golf inside at a Ripley's establishment, then went to Broadway at the beach to walk around. Back to the camper for a steak dinner. Not a bad day. Tomorrow we head home.
Been to that Ripley's a few times. Lisa and I had our honeymoon in Myrtle Beach in '89, and then took our kids to the KOA there and took them to see the sites. Quite the tourist trap, but when I was in the Marines (before I got married), we used to go there on weekends to cruise on Friday and Saturday nights up and down the strip to pick up the local girls. Fun times were had by all who went and the girls liked us alot. We'd even go back to meet the same girls when we could.
Haven’t been there since 1989. Is The Tar Baby restaurant still there?
It was in North Myrtle Beach.
We spend our time in the South Strand. We like to camp at the State Parks, not into the Pirateland or Ocean Lakes scene.
We stayed at the north end of North Myrtle Beach in Cherry Grove Point. Fairly quiet there. We did go to Myrtle Beach to do laundry once, where they stole all my Levi jeans out of the dryer. :mad:
We stayed at the north end of North Myrtle Beach in Cherry Grove Point. Fairly quiet there. We did go to Myrtle Beach to do laundry once, where they stole all my Levi jeans out of the dryer. :mad:
Did you dance to Beach Music? It was born at Cherry Grove.

That Jean jacket is now worth big $$$
Did you dance to Beach Music? It was born at Cherry Grove.

That Jean jacket is now worth big $$$
No, I don't recall hearing about it. It was in `89.
I remember the restaurants name. It cracked me up. Had the T-shirt but, I don't know what ever happened to it?
The brer rabbit stories was a big part of our literature and history teachings in maybe 3rd or 4th grade?? It's culture, and a rich one at that. Keep erasing this vital history, and pretty soon black Americans are left with a deep void that leaves a ton of unanswered questions that won't be explained but "whitewashed".

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