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Happy Veterans Day!

Funny you say that Kevin. I`ll never forget the time I was in Lakeland FLA with my wife on our 40th anniversary and I saw an old Iwo Jima vet walking hand in hand with his wife.
He had on a jacket with a big Marine/Iwo Jima patch on the back and an Iwo Jima hat on.
I thanked him for his service and shook his hand. He said thank you and if he could, he would do it all over again.
When I think about him, I still get chocked up. :cry:
Although that was a staged op it still shows the shear will and determination of the Marines to take Iwo Jima and Okinawa during WWII. I chose to serve in the USMC because it was the hardest service to get into (at the time) as I always took the difficult road to prove I could do it, and I bear the great honor to still be called a Marine (my Dad was especially proud).

I thank all my fellow brothers and sisters who served before me, with me, and after me in securing our freedom.

God Bless America!
Thank you to every veteran that has ever served!

I'm proud to have served in the Air Force. I'm still willing to fight and defend this great nation and its constitution. It and we have been under attack long enough. It may soon come to be, that old men like most of us here, veterans and all citizens, will have to take up our arms and defend our liberty.
Those of us who served swore an oath to defend Our Nation against all enemies foreign and domestic, and that oath has no time limits.

If called on again, I'm no where near as young, but much wiser and ready to answer the call.
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