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This Deepwater Blue '67 on Hangster's caught my eye!

Yes, that color code (E-E) really rocks! Seeing it in person tops it off! I really miss mine. I was going to build a clone with my new to me '67 Bolero Red car but the paint is sooo nice and it's a numbers matching original car, so I'm having a horrible time even thinking about putting my '67 L78 engine into it and swapping the M-20 Muncie in there in place of the TH400. Then there's the original 2.73 non-posi diff! But it does have a bench seat! (y) Just looking at a ton of work turning an original car into a gorgeous hot rod clone of my first '67. Such a dilemma! Then there's my health...ugh! I truly believe had this Deepwater Blue '67 popped up a year ago before I grabbed Big Red, I'd likely have jumped on it. Both are Atlanta cars, the blue one being a June build like my 1st Chevelle KC build. My red one is a 3rd week in May '67 build. I'm yet to lift the rear seat, but my gut tells me the build sheet is likely still there! Rear seat is original as is all the interior. Also, I admit to getting attached to my red one as time passes, but dark blue just looks so much better on a large car like the '67 Chevelle imo.
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