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Pat Musi’s 555 powered red 67 for sale on BAT

I hate it when they put custom interiors in these cars.
They were some of the best interiors Chevy ever made.
It will be absolutely worthless with those narrow tires. If you are going to put a monster engine in something, make sure that it has enough rubber to harness it.
I hate it when they put custom interiors in these cars.
They were some of the best interiors Chevy ever made.

To each their own. Everyone has a vision of what they'd like to see and what their personal preferences are and I appreciate most, just not radical changes.

It will be absolutely worthless with those narrow tires. If you are going to put a monster engine in something, make sure that it has enough rubber to harness it.

I agree, and I suspect his intention was not to make it look like a drag car, but a tasteful balance is what the car needs in my opinion. With that much power to the wheels, I would have had a rear end cut down and tubbed the rears.
There are a few cars that these types of mods work well, imo, the chevelle is better off left alone......or given the Grumpy touch.
Even with a 555 engine, Chevelle's can get decent traction with a 275 slick at the track.
He definitely won't get traction with street tires.
There are a few cars that these types of mods work well, imo, the chevelle is better off left alone......or given the Grumpy touch.
Yeah, the Impalas and Chevelles had great interiors. Custom might be ok for a minority but I think it hurts the resale.
I'm all for better transmissions, brakes, suspension and engine upgrades (hidden if possible).
I don't know if anyone noticed but the emblems are way off on that '67! Most front grills are incorrect also on '67's. For such an expensive build, you'd think a little effort on badging would be in order. I think it sold for pretty good money....$166,000 or something close?
I don't know if anyone noticed but the emblems are way off on that '67! Most front grills are incorrect also on '67's. For such an expensive build, you'd think a little effort on badging would be in order. I think it sold for pretty good money....$166,000 or something close?
Just to say you own Pat Musi’s old Chevelle, bout $100K over priced IMO
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