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There Ain't No Sense in This!!


Shop Foreman
This is how you replace headlight bulbs in a 2013 Fusion. Fortunately they changed the design in 2018

I am going to do both low beams.

It wasn't the first time I have done it and all went back fine. The worst part is the front is low and any curb scrapes damage or remove push pins. I try to keep an assortment. All I need to do tomorrow is check the tire pressure and my son will be back with my Mercedes to get it.
I will bet shop time is at least 1 hour.
My parents have a 2005 LeSabre that just crossed 300K miles. Dad took it to a dealer for a OLF and check engine light, the dealer had recently changed hands and became part of a conglomerate.

The CEL repair was not going to be that much but they wanted to do $3500 more repairs on it. Dad, at 88 years old, told them no way, paid his bill and walked out. None of the other stuff he was told needed to be done was needed, He took it to my friends small shop and left paying $300 for an 02 sensor and thermostat. He won't go back to the dealership again.

While at my friends shop Dad bought six 6 volt batteries for his golf cart and I installed them Fri evening. Man, those things are heavy!

Support small businesses, large ones don't care about customers.
If the US goes EV expect to be raped as you will need all kinds of computer scanners and test equipment to do any work.

Saab had a spell where you had to marry the new part to the computer, if you wanted to change the door lock mechanism you had to apply it to the car. Just wait until the little mechanic won't be able to do things without software rights and/or paying a huge fee too the car company for rights.
We charge 2.0 hrs at my dealership, and I BEG people to do them both while its apart to avoid going thru it again a week later if the other fails. $180/hr labor rate, btw.
We charge 2.0 hrs at my dealership, and I BEG people to do them both while its apart to avoid going thru it again a week later if the other fails. $180/hr labor rate, btw.
I never dreamed that much. I am so glad I can do most of my own work.

Just out of curiosity, how much for an evaporator core replacement on that 2013 Fusion?
We love our Fusions, that is why I have 3 of them. All 2.5L SEs.

My guy can't detect an evaporator core leak but is suspect of it. Wasn't there a bad run of cores around 2013 in Mustangs?

I would love it to be schrader valves.
Don't see them fail in Mustangs of that era, but 2015 on up Mustangs have crappy a/c systems on all components, including evap. I've had $3500 ac repairs on those with multiple issues.
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