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This should be a good auction on ebay to watch! Original numbers matching 1967 Camaro SS/RS, original paint, original owner!


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Enjoy! Will be interesting to see what the market is doing right now!!

That checks most of the boxes for my tastes, except it's not an L78 and it's been repainted, ad spews double talk about the paint. Engine has been repainted also.........still a fantastic camaro.
Good catch....paint was misleading. Not the original 4-speed either. Still fun to watch!
I misread a couple things, like original paint & original owner. Engine has original paint? Knows original owner but 3rd owner. Low mileage however apparently.

As for the suspension mod that must be for additional traction for that big block. I’ve always thought the suspension on the Camaro was too light for the 396 torque, especially an L78. I remember thinking that as a kid back when I ordered my ‘67 L78 Chevelle SS (with coil springs) and a heavier car.
I listened to the video and it doesn’t sound like a solid lifter cam sounded more like an engine tick, what you guys/gals think?
I listened to the video and it doesn’t sound like a solid lifter cam sounded more like an engine tick, what you guys/gals think?
Sounds good doesn’t it? Big block sound, but it’s an L35 (325hp) model, not an L78 with solid lifters. Both L35 & optional L34 have hyd lifters in stock form. You know that right? I know someone mentioned L78 earlier (would be nice!).
Sounds good doesn’t it? Big block sound, but it’s an L35 (325hp) model, not an L78 with solid lifters. Both L35 & optional L34 have hyd lifters in stock form. You know that right? I know someone mentioned L78 earlier (would be nice!).
Its got bit of Clack Clack in that engine, that why I said I didn’t think it sounded like a solid lifter engine
I'd never pay that kind of money without physically checking it out. It's not even a real SS.
But 69's are hot. That seems like SS396 money to me.
I think this is a real SS/RS the one I bid on is a fake SS at $19,500 now and I’m out, well I’m out at the moment there’s still 2 days left 🤣
Look at this 64 Chevy II for 25k. I haven't seen a body this nice on one of these in a long time

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