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Auto Insurance Companies....I need to switch I think!


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I finally got to reviewing our 6 month renewal for Allstate for three vehicles, 2 MINI's and 1 Jeep Grand Cherokee. My rates jumped 18% for the Jeep and 22% for both MINI's!!! When you're retired on fixed income this stuff really matters!!! What is going on? I've had Allstate since first learning to drive in 1964! I should get an award or something!...or maybe I'm just stupid for staying so long. Insuring makes little sense to me these days, as the Countryman MINI is more of a family car and the John Cooper Works MINI is a hot rad and it's premiums are lower! Go figure. It gets driven less however. I'm in a pickle as renewal is on Jan 19th and here it is the 4th, so I have 2 weeks to figure this out, or I'll simply renew and then shop at my leisure.

Any ideas? Liberty Mutual, Nationwide, Erie, State Farm, others?

Believe me, my agent already got an ear full via my email today, so it will be interesting to see what he has to say. I said I might have to leave!

Open to suggestions from others seeing this crazy stuff! I saw another thread but it was 2 months old so I thought I'd start another one in 2024!


Can’t hurt to let them know as you did. I have a ton of vehicle and 2 homes with Statefarm and other coverage like an umbrella policy. Lady from the office called me once to tell me that the two homes were not designated properly in my coverage. I’m guessing the purpose of her call was to tell me I needed to pay more, not less. I was having a bad day for another reason and I told her sternly that I’ve been looking to change insurance carriers and told her “just give me an excuse.” She sheepishly backed out of the conversation and I never heard from her again. Lol.

I also threatened to change insurance coverage another time and the actual agent quickly called me back and rearranged the coverage so I was the primary driver on a cheaper car to save some money.

I’m too lazy. Otherwise I’d go somewhere else and probably save a lot of money. If my rates go up any more, I might get the energy.
You served John, so I'd call USAA and compare apples to apples coverage wise. I have USAA and all my kids do and they beat all other companies hands down. Lisa checks annually and they still beat all the others every year we renew.
Since I'm not a veteran, I would take my policy over to State Farm and let them make an offer.
But since you are a vet, do what Kevin said and show USAA your policy. I'd show it to both actually; it can't hurt.
Mine is going up granted I have a couple of newer trucks plus a RV but it's 1350 for 6 months now.
I gotta start shopping ins, recently paid Progressive $2K for 6 months with full coverage on a 2020 RAV4, liability on a 09 Ram 1500 & 05 Express 2500 with Uninsured Motorist on all 3, $680 to Hagerty for 12 months full coverage, uninsured motorist and cherished value and agreed value to $35K on the Chevelle, makes me want to cry about business & home ins lol, might want to give AAA a call I’m thinking of calling
Flo's getting to be high end and well kept......time to let the lizard handle your needs.
I have 4 drivers (one a teenager) and 7 cars on my primary policy at about $3500 a year. One car and 1 driver will be dropping off in a couple of months. RV policy and Chevelle Policies are different.

I notice my homeowner insurance jumped $400 last year.
I think I'm gonna check out Erie....the closest agent is only about 3 miles from our house. I'll also check USAA. I checked State Farm several years ago and it really wasn't much different from Allstate.

One thing I forgot to mention, is that Allstate stopped sending monthly bills for mail in payments. They want you to do direct withdrawal from your bank! I won't do that! So, I get a letter with the payment amounts for each 6 month period and it's up to me to send in my payments monthly by check. My agent actually mailed me envelopes for this since he knew I was pissed about this policy. Call me old school, but if an insurance company doesn't want monthly checks or payment by check whatsoever I'll go elsewhere.

If the discount was worth it, I'd just pay in one payment, as long as there was significant savings.

By the way, I have American Collectors Insurance for my collector cars and I spend right at around $1,200 per year (single payment) for all 6 cars! That ain't bad. (y)

And Rick, I pay right around $223 for insurance on my '67 Chevelle (based on $60k value)....your $35k is likely too low, but I get it! Most of my vintage BMW's are way under-insured because I've had them for many years (but I try to keep the coverage bumped up within reason).
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