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Lightly freshening up the Malibu’s 10 bolt

I didn’t like the flat sheen of the epoxy primer on the rear end so I shot some single stage satin black that I used to paint all the other black parts under the car and the hood etc.

Rented a puller and pulled the bearings.
I was disappointed to note that the old bearings (labeled as “Hyatt” made in the USA) still fit nice and snug on the axle while my near bearings (just test fit) slide on much more easily. Perhaps not sloppy loose but notably looser than the old bearings. They are “Centric” brand bought from Rockauto and of course made in China. I’m not knocking all Chinese parts but I fear these are inferior.

I’m tempted to seek out a better bearing. Any thoughts?
Autozone has Duralast and National. I suppose Timkin would be the gold standard.IMG_3302.jpeg
I don’t know one axle from another but I notice that the splined end is thinner. As I pass the bearing over the axle towards other end, it gets thicker a few inches before the areas that rides on the bearing so I assume this is a tapered axle?
Hammered in my bearings and seals. I thought the “Centric” bearings from Rockauto for a bit loose on the axle shaft but the Duralast bearings I bought were the same way (I could get National over the counter). So I went with the Duralast. The race and seal driver kit didn’t have a driver that exactly fit my needs so the seal got a little tweaked (slight concavity) but I think they’ll be fine.

Need to get my backing plates powder coated so I can put the axles back in. IMG_3343.jpegIMG_3342.jpeg
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