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Land Rover?

Yeah, the biggest issue was tying in the ignition switch, the turn signals, and e flashers, the rest was easy. Just rip the rest out and rewired it and then it was fine, but took me like 3 weeks to get the switches (ignition and directionals) working right.
I don't care for car wiring and having Cervical Stenosis makes under dash wiring terrible
Unless you did the electrical conversion too, the car was still plagued with all kinds of electrical issues, hence why I rewired mine.
I worked for a Jag dealer in the 1980's, those things were garbage. It is funny how many GM parts were in the XJS, a/c compressors, transmissions etc.

They sold a XJS convertible back then, converted by Hess and Eisenhart, those things creaked and groaned so much they were horrible.
I don't care for car wiring and having Cervical Stenosis makes under dash wiring terrible

I just pull the dash and that makes the wiring so much easier. I can't fit under the dash and I have a bad neck and back, so it takes a bit more time to pull the dash, but makes it so much easier (and enjoyable for me).
I worked for a Jag dealer in the 1980's, those things were garbage. It is funny how many GM parts were in the XJS, a/c compressors, transmissions etc.

They sold a XJS convertible back then, converted by Hess and Eisenhart, those things creaked and groaned so much they were horrible.
H&E put metal name plates under the hoods like they're really Proud of the conv Jag?
I just pull the dash and that makes the wiring so much easier. I can't fit under the dash and I have a bad neck and back, so it takes a bit more time to pull the dash, but makes it so much easier (and enjoyable for me).
So many XJ6 dash's came out to replace cracked wood, and door panels... and consoles....

How about the XJ6 inboard rear rotors, I remember techs really fighting with those things.
I just pull the dash and that makes the wiring so much easier. I can't fit under the dash and I have a bad neck and back, so it takes a bit more time to pull the dash, but makes it so much easier (and enjoyable for me).
The dash in my 68 does come out fairly easy, next time I need to do something under there I'm going to just pull it out a foot or so (y) :)
I worked for a Jag dealer in the 1980's, those things were garbage. It is funny how many GM parts were in the XJS, a/c compressors, transmissions etc.

They sold a XJS convertible back then, converted by Hess and Eisenhart, those things creaked and groaned so much they were horrible.

My '75 had a bad ass body style, but the car was heavy as hell. the 6cyl that came with it was a dog and couldn't push the car worth a shit, but the 350/350 woke it up. After that is was fun to drive. Sold it in '97 when I moved to Florida. Bought it for $500 and sold it for like $5k (I think). It was just a toy and wasn't a DD.
So many XJ6 dash's came out to replace cracked wood, and door panels... and consoles....

How about the XJ6 inboard rear rotors, I remember techs really fighting with those things.

Yep, the thing that made it all so fun was the independent rear suspension. Unless you greased it on a regular basis, it'd exibit some weird shit with the brakes too, and it groaned letting you know it needed to be greased.
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