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Want to buy steering wheel for 67 Chevelle white interior

Nashville Cat

Veteran Member
Senior Member
I've been looking for a repo wood wheel. I ordered one from OPGI over 18 months ago and it's still on backorder.
Does anyone have one they want to sell or know where to get one ? I want to keep it under $300 and these are pushing $400 today.
This one on Ebay is reasonable but I don't like the glossy wood ; looks nothing like the original.

There's a vette version, thinking a '67, on corvette forum for sale. The vette had a couple inch added to the depth, but it'd be a cool add depending on your seating position.
There's a vette version, thinking a '67, on corvette forum for sale. The vette had a couple inch added to the depth, but it'd be a cool add depending on your seating position.
Just missed it ! Sold a few weeks ago for $125.
But that's exactly what i'm looking for.
Everyone else I've seen wants $400 for the same thing.
Found out some tidbits of info if you want the correct wheel for a 67-68.
The walnut steering wheels before 67 had a one-piece center.
67-68 had a 2 piece center and used a wheel adapter with a cutout where the spokes overlap.
I'm going to get a correct one; they repo them so I may bite the bullet and buy a new one.
The repos are $290, but the old ones are just as expensive.
One-piece center

Two piece center
I'd hunt for an original, it's more fun and you'd appreciate it more knowing it was gm and not offshore. I really don't trust repop stuff unless I've researched to my satisfaction....and that all can be avoided just buying oem. '69 early, about the first 2 months of production used the walnut wheel, then went to rosewood.
I'd hunt for an original, it's more fun and you'd appreciate it more knowing it was gm and not offshore. I really don't trust repop stuff unless I've researched to my satisfaction....and that all can be avoided just buying oem. '69 early, about the first 2 months of production used the walnut wheel, then went to rosewood.
thanks :)
I was looking for a good epoxy repair kit to match the walnut. Most of them have one or two cracks that aren't that hard to repair
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