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Weird story - 3 Chiefs fans freeze to death


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Story is several days old but there continues to be a lot of speculation. Weird that 3 grown men in their 30s didn’t have the wherewithal to go to a neighbors house etc if they were locked out. Also weird that a guy that survived alleged he was on a sofa with noise cancelling headphones next to a loud fan (in the middle of winter?) for 48 hours.
Guessing drugs were heavily in the mix
I've been reading about this for a week or so. The guy that lived in the house already moved out.
Looks like the house was in a neighborhood. Why didn’t one of the three call or go to a neighbor and get help? They had to have been incapacitated somehow, either drugged or on drugs. The GF is right to be suspicious
There was speculation that “they knew something,” etc.
I don’t know how the survivor spent 48 hours, unreachable, asleep on his sofa.

He doesn’t like the speculation and came out and said “I don’t know why people are speculating instead of waiting for the toxicology report.”
Well dumbass, you were there. Why don’t you stop the speculation and tell us what drugs you guys were doing.
Dr. Baden on Fox this morning said, it was cocaine mixed with fentanyl. The coke picks you up and fentanyl brings you down.
The fentanyl made them sleepy and the fell asleep and didn't know anything. The other guy fell asleep on the couch.
They most likely went outside to have a smoke and fell asleep and froze to death.
Once your body goes below 80 deg. your heart cant pimp the blood and it stops.
An autopsy may show that they were dragged outside after they fell asleep or the drugs took affect. I wonder if they took a urine analysis of the one guy who survived if they didn't then the authorities may have let the murderer, er I'm sorry the survivor get away with it.
Survivor should’ve been given a blood test as soon as all this happened, police involvement I mean, or would that violate his civil rights? Seems he would’ve offered a blood sample if he’s not guilty of anything,,?
They were all 4 of them doing something and it's probably related to fentanyl. You're right about that, the guy that survived or slept through it, is making himself look more & more guilty with the way he's acting.
All those fake cop shows on TV that figure out a murder within a couple of days are BS and this crime or accident may take months to solve.
Story a couple of days ago said the survivor checked himself into rehab and that this was a wake up call. The jaded part of me says a lawyer told him to do it because it might look better in case of criminal prosecution or civil suits.
An autopsy may show that they were dragged outside after they fell asleep or the drugs took affect.
Some people just can't handle their illegal drugs and I don't feel sorry for them. Never know what your getting. Lots of risk, no reward.
I bet the cops are figuring out who sold who what so they can file charges. Just a matter of time.
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