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This 2" thick bone-in rib eye steak would be tough as leather??
My wife picked up 2 of them. I baked it on the Big Green Egg at 250 deg till the internal was 95-98 deg then, cranked up the temp and seared it till internal was 125 ish.
Let it rest for 15 minutes and, while cutting it, I thought my knife was dull but, nope, this steak was so tough, I threw most of it away.
Cant wait for my half beef steer comes this month.
Been there, done that. If it's tough to cut and chew, the dog gets it. Lisa will cut it into smaller pieces and give it to the dog over a few days.

The latest beef we got is very low fat but lots of flavor. Hanging for 14 days made a big difference.
Been there, done that. If it's tough to cut and chew, the dog gets it. Lisa will cut it into smaller pieces and give it to the dog over a few days.

The latest beef we got is very low fat but lots of flavor. Hanging for 14 days made a big difference.
I wet aged it for 2 weeks before I cooked it. Wife gave the other one to my daughter. I`ll have to ask her how it was.
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