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What Gen Younger Men Gave Up Caring About A DL?

Dad also drove log truck right after getting his license....he told some outrageous stories mostly of him and his cousin racing the trucks to and from the mill. That gave me a bit of leverage every time I came home with a ticket.
Never drove a logging truck, but at 14 I drove a '55 ambulance that was setup as a makeshift ball field prep vehicle for the town I lived in. Fun times. That summer I was introduced to mary juanita. Made it interesting when the girls had some and everybody had fun.
Farm permit allowed me to drive alone for farm purposes only.
If it wasn't farm related, I needed to have an adult with me.

I always had some tractor parts with me no matter where I was going. ;)

We had more than a few kids get their licenses at 15. I don’t remember what the law was then but they drove to school.
I’ve got one almost 19 year old who deliberately failed her permit test at 15 and refuses to even consider getting a license. I don’t know about the younger one yet. He’s a little more reasonable but he still has a couple years to turn himself into an idiot so we’ll see.

I made it a condition of driving a car that I pay for that they have to run the local autocross season with me. He’s a little more inclined since he raced karts for 3 years and had fun.
I made it a condition of driving a car that I pay for that they have to run the local autocross season with me. He’s a little more inclined since he raced karts for 3 years and had fun.
Cale is running in the kart league with me this year, and will autocross the Trans-Am this summer at some local events.

If he proves himself in that (320hp & automatic) then I'll let him drive the Chevelle later in the season.
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