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If your child (or friend) lacks critical thinking

These are the typical conversations that young people present, especially activists......and it's not only young people. The group think, the group thoughts, and the cliche speak that doesn't allow them to think but shapes their ideals without question........are a product of quick access social media. I get stared at with amazement every time I tell people to give me an answer, not theirs, yours......without looking for the answer on your phone. The answer my friend, is blowing in the wind, not on your stupid phone.
These are the typical conversations that young people present, especially activists......and it's not only young people. The group think, the group thoughts, and the cliche speak that doesn't allow them to think but shapes their ideals without question........are a product of quick access social media. I get stared at with amazement every time I tell people to give me an answer, not theirs, yours......without looking for the answer on your phone. The answer my friend, is blowing in the wind, not on your stupid phone.
I like that the teacher taught the kid to not accept what he was told. "Look up what she said and tell me what you think."
When the kid read exactly what she said, it didn't sound crazy or unreasonable.

We need to put school teachers through this kind of training.
The first thing that should home is "looking up someone and tell me what you think"

We need to put all internet users through this kind of training. The crap posted everywhere is appalling.

Just look how trumps rumors get tossed around and many of them aren't even true.
The first thing that should home is "looking up someone and tell me what you think"

We need to put all internet users through this kind of training. The crap posted everywhere is appalling.

Just look how trumps rumors get tossed around and many of them aren't even true.
Look at how many aren’t true But Believed Edit back to Sheep Herd thinking
Look at how many aren’t true But Believed Edit back to Sheep Herd thinking

Or some sort of event is going on and they chose to believe the "internet expert" instead of actually thinking about ways to prove/disprove what they are promoting.
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