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Fuck McDonalds

McDonald’s prices have doubled in the last 10 years at a rate 3x inflation.

There are several other recent articles about how California fast food prices have gone up recently as a result of the $20 minimum wage. Restaurants as a whole are pricing themselves out of my business.

I wonder if the “poor, brown” people that democrats pretend to worry about are better off or worse off paying nearly $20 for a fast food meal that used to cost well under $10?
McDonald’s prices have doubled in the last 10 years at a rate 3x inflation.

There are several other recent articles about how California fast food prices have gone up recently as a result of the $20 minimum wage. Restaurants as a whole are pricing themselves out of my business.

I wonder if the “poor, brown” people that democrats pretend to worry about are better off or worse off paying nearly $20 for a fast food meal that used to cost well under $10?
They’ll just get a Welfare pay increase so they won’t care how much it cost, they get FREE $$$ off tax payers backs
Like most on here, it's just too much cheaper to cook for yourself than to eat out.
I only eat at restaurants when I visit my son. He doesn't cook anything LOL
As far as boycotts, ALL CORPORATIONS are evil, so why bother to boycott anyone ?
Most of my money goes to car parts or electronics. A new media center for the living room and a giant tv coming soon !
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