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Fuck McDonalds


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Everyone I talk with is not a fan but someone must be because they’ve flourished during and after the pandemic despite gutting their menu options and jacking up prices through the roof. Nearly $18 for a “value” meal? Fuck that.
There was an article I saw recently about how some of the recent retailer price increases are needed because increased cost of business but there were other businesses who saw people acceptance of higher prices and decided to push the envelope until the buyers cried uncle. This strikes me as one of those situations.
I haven't been to McD's in over 20+ years (probably closer to 25 years). We rarely go to fast food places (maybe once or twice a year). I can't justify the high cost and truthfully the food (using that term loosely) just isn't that good. We may go out to eat maybe once every 2 to 3 months, but even that's pretty rare. My diet consists of high protein (I'm hypoglycemic) and very few carbs. Mostly beef and vegetables.

The cost of McD's I'm betting is partially associated with the rising cost of employees, but I'd agree with you most are pushing the envelope because profits are down and they have shareholders to answer to.
"Share holders to answer to" that is what all these company's that raise their prices scream out. As if they themselves are innocent and blame it on the shareholders. they say
"Hey don't blame me I'm only doing what I'm told" Yet have no problem accepting their bonus checks earned from raising prices and making the amounts of the product much smaller.
Yeah right your only doing your job scumbag
Eff McD's!
I've been boycotting them for decades, ever since they made a fat donation to HCI.
I will not fund attacks on my RKBA, so eff Jeff Bezos and Amazon too.
Have to say though, boycott is even easier and spreading with the silly high prices everyone is demanding now.
Trying to lose weight so that I may get in and out of the Lotus when it is done, so mostly eating meat and a little bit of vegetables.
Really beginning to prefer my own cooking over restaurants and stopped almost all fast food after the horrid Burger King illness several years ago.
From the NYPost version of this story:

“Last week, a McDonald’s outpost in Connecticut got slammed over its “outrageous pricing” after a customer was charged $7.29 for an Egg McMuffin — and nearly $5.69 for a side of hash browns.

Over the summer, a franchisee in nearby Darien, Conn., was called out for charging $17.59 for Big Mac combo meal. That location also sold a Quarter Pounder with Cheese and Bacon meal that came with fries and a soda for $19, according to viral posts.”
We don’t eat out anymore, really. Even the local burger and beer joint is closing in on $100 for the four of us.

What pisses me off the most isn’t the cost of the food, it’s the greed of the restaurants on behalf of their employees. They’re all making more now thanks to the $15 BS (but conveniently they don’t tell you), but they still push high tips. Our SCCA awards last month every bill had an automatic TWENTY PERCENT added to the bill but they still had the line for an added tip like usual. Last year I went to a small brewery in Huntsville and the iPad they gave me to pay the bill had preselected amounts of 20, 25 and 30% with no option to enter a smaller amount. So guess what? No tip at all.
Their app is killing prices.

If you know how to manipulate your purchases and coupons, you can really get some deals.
Same here. I’ve really curtailed my eating at restaurants during to pricing. There are still some deals out there but you have to look for em.
I agree about the greed with regards to tips etc. I understand the old “need” for tips. That in the restaurant industry owners were allowed to pay less than minimum wage so waitresses really “lived on tips.” Fine, that’s good for 15%. But I’m not sure those same waitresses are still making such low salaries. I bet their base salaries are a lot better now. With menu prices going up, 15% is a lot more than it used to be. The pay raise is baked in. So why the need to go to 20, 25, 30%? You are the restaurant’s employee not mine. It’s like they are trying to make fast food and waitressing a career.

And then again there is in some places and mandatory fee on you tab that goes to their health care insurance etc. Again, I came here to eat. Why are you making me responsible for paying for their insurance? And if I pay that, why should I tip?
Same here. I’ve really curtailed my eating at restaurants during to pricing. There are still some deals out there but you have to look for em.
I agree about the greed with regards to tips etc. I understand the old “need” for tips. That in the restaurant industry owners were allowed to pay less than minimum wage so waitresses really “lived on tips.” Fine, that’s good for 15%. But I’m not sure those same waitresses are still making such low salaries. I bet their base salaries are a lot better now. With menu prices going up, 15% is a lot more than it used to be. The pay raise is baked in. So why the need to go to 20, 25, 30%? You are the restaurant’s employee not mine. It’s like they are trying to make fast food and waitressing a career.

And then again there is in some places and mandatory fee on you tab that goes to their health care insurance etc. Again, I came here to eat. Why are you making me responsible for paying for their insurance? And if I pay that, why should I tip?

I was in Australia a few years back. Went to eat at a bar/restaurant. Had a chance to talk to the bartender. They got paid decently, didn’t get tips, and the meal was about the same price as here.
In the early 90’s I had a Gfriend that was a waitress at a really good BBQ joint, she made $2.66 per hour plus tips, well below Min wage, I think wait staff must be making Min wage at $15? per hr plus High % Tips? I’m giving up my ac business and becoming a Waiter 😁
Well, Icky D's won't get any of my money anymore and has not since 2013 after I had my heart stents put in. I realized eating that shit will kill you, beside most of their food tastes like shit anyway now. Back in the 60's Mc D's was the best.
I used to treat the qt pndr w/cheese to a once a week rendezvous, but like 68, my health became more important.... haven't been there in over a dozen years and have no intention to.
Back 30 years or so, I had a honda accord that I abused but rarely cleaned. Finally got around to a thorough interior scrub and reached under the pass. seat to find a mcmuffin that probably had sat there for several years........looked the same as day 1 !!!! No, I threw it out.
Back 30 years or so, I had a honda accord that I abused but rarely cleaned. Finally got around to a thorough interior scrub and reached under the pass. seat to find a mcmuffin that probably had sat there for several years........looked the same as day 1 !!!! No, I threw it out.

I don't know if I want to laugh or barf.....
I worked on the road for a short time putting up grain leg systems in a small-ish Wisconsin town. First week on the road, I didn't realize that working sun-up to sun-down meant that McDonald's would be the only place open when I wasn't on the jobsite. After 5 days of McDonald's in a row, I didn't set foot in another one for about 10 years.
When I was younger and full of piss and vinegar (under 25), I'd regularly stop at McD's and get two (2) big mac meals ( 2 big Mac's, 2 small fries, and 2 small drinks) with two (2) apple pies for lunch and was starving by supper.

If I eat at fast food burger joint it sits in my stomach like a gut bomb and I don't feel like eating till the next day.

Gone are the days when my body burn it up fast like a coal furnace.
I no longer trust ANY chain "Fast Food" joint.
Last time I ate at Burger King I got so sick I had to make an unscheduled motel stop to clean myself up and try to recover.
Between no-where and no-place is NOT where you want to be spewing from both ends. :sick:
The only Fast Food I will do anymore, and rarely, are Mom & Pop local places.
McD's is the last place I would ever eat as their politics are ultra liberal and the food? is terrible.
Runner up for last place would be Taco-Smell, pretty much guaranteed to make me sick every time. Lesson learned.
Obviously I will never risk Booger Fling again.
They can make burgers for $50.00 or $1.00, my participation level will be the same. :D
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