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Trump's VP Pick ? Melania and Don Jr agree with me

He may have to go with Scott or Carson to yank the "Black vote" away from Bidet'.
Black VP pick would put the libtard commentators in a bind, except those so deranged they would scream "Uncle Tom".
He may have to go with Scott or Carson to yank the "Black vote" away from Bidet'.
Black VP pick would put the libtard commentators in a bind, except those so deranged they would scream "Uncle Tom".
I think the Trumpster is already polling at a record with blacks.
Decided my choice to pass along is Trump/Scott.
The fact is Trump still needs every ace he can pull and a younger black conservative may be the wild card that wins this hand.
Dr. Carson seems to have aged out and become a bit less reliably conservative.
The possibility of another four years of Bidet' the buffoon is terrifying and almost certain to destroy the USA.
I really do not give a fig about the tone of someones skin, which they have no control over.
But I do care very much about their character, which IS under their control.
We've had charlatans and saints of all tones, but right now it is Biden who is playing the part of a white demon.
He has to be stopped, the black color barrier has already been broken.
O'Bungle was a disgrace, it would be nice to see Scott redeem the reputation of blacks in politics.
Maybe, just maybe, Scott could become a role model for black youth in place of the Thug Culture too many of them now gravitate too.
I may need to don a flame suit for this post, but it is my sincere and carefully weighed opinion.
I don't see any reason for being flamed. One's skin color has no bearing on character. I do not judge anyone based on skin color but by in large their character and how they treat others. That said, I'm mostly indifferent to whom President Trump selects as a running mate as they will be mostly second fiddle, but they must have a very conservative view in my opinion and have a strong consitituion in the event President Trump dies during his term so the work that was started by President Trump can continue and we can put Our Country back on the right path. The liberals have gone excessively far in pushing the boundaries and have gone far beyond the point of perversion. Another 4 years of a liberal in the WH would obliterate almost any chance of recovery and the USA would become a third world nation as we are already very far down that road now because of obongle and fucktard.

Just my $0.02.
Decided my choice to pass along is Trump/Scott.
Most people don't know that Tim Scott is in McConnell's pocket.
Scott endorsed Lisa Murkowski, senator from Alaska, the most anti-Trump person in the Senate.
You can't trust him as far as you can throw him. Plus he's a huge supporter of the Ukraine War.
We don't need to pick a black to win.
Tucker Carlson is very popular with blacks from what I've seen.
I think Tim Scott would be a great VP, hell of a lot better then the other black guy we had as pres from 08-2016, and Tim has some real morals.
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