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Car Cover Woes (Outdoor)


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Senior Member
This question can apply to any car, but I put it on here since the cover from Covercraft that I am talking about on my '19 Jeep Grand Cherokee is the same material as the outdoor cover I have for my '67 Chevelle (I also have a really nice soft indoor cover which gets used the most). The Chevelle stays indoors, but the Jeep stays outside on the driveway...it's a big vehicle!

Anyway, on my brand new cover, something has happened that I've never had to deal with before. Here goes.....DAMN BIRDS (or something) has been eating through the cover thus destroying the integrity of the weather protection. Hopefully, the paint underneath is alright. This has happened in probably 8 or 10 spots. Although mostly small, these areas are likely to tear more as time passes.

So, my plan is to possibly use pieces off of an old cover (same color - grey) and stitch the patches over the holes on my new cover. I've only had it on the Jeep a month or so.....no luck!

Has anyone had an issue with birds nawing at you car cover?

Maybe it's the weather since it been cold and snowy a few times....birds will eat anything when hungry enough!

Thanks for any advise,

Only thing I've had a problem with is rats and mice. They naw and use the material to build nests.
We have a lot of squirrels on our property! If I ever see a squirrel eating my car cover the BB gun is coming out for sure!

I’d think it’d be tough getting up on top but they might jump on the Jeep from the tree near it I suppose.

I hate covers, they've always been a maintenance item and who needs another one of those?
I hate covers, they've always been a maintenance item and who needs another one of those?
Poor covers are a problem for sure and also not healthy for the vehicle. Never use a tarp for example! But, well made $350+ car covers are designed to protect the paint, breath, etc. and they do an excellent job for the most part. My Jeep is black and I keep it clean with the help of the cover, so I think they are worthwhile investments, as long as animals(?) and birds don't try to make a meal out of them! LOL! I've never had a problem until this winter and it's sat outside since new!
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