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CD 5% for 5 months

My brother pulled both his accounts from wells fartgo. He said you should have seen them steppin' and fetchin' trying to get him to stay. They were promising him the moon and he told them if he had to close his accounts to get their attention, you don't deserve my money.

Close out 2 accounts with more than $4 million and that gets someone's attention. I had to show up at the new bank as a signer just in case he kicks the bucket.
Well went to Truist (Kathy’s bank) she decided to get a $13K CD at 4.88% 5% ATD (IIRC) I asked why such an odd amount and why didn’t you want to put more in? She said this is fine, I think the 10 brain radiation treatments had a lot to do with her choice since on the way home she asked if I thought she should’ve put more $ in the CD? she also added myself and 3 adult kids as beneficiaries if something happens to her, asked where the Indian lady was that was there last time? we were speaking to an Indian lady
Well went to Truist (Kathy’s bank) she decided to get a $13K CD at 4.88% 5% ATD (IIRC) I asked why such an odd amount and why didn’t you want to put more in? She said this is fine, I think the 10 brain radiation treatments had a lot to do with her choice since on the way home she asked if I thought she should’ve put more $ in the CD? she also added myself and 3 adult kids as beneficiaries if something happens to her, asked where the Indian lady was that was there last time? we were speaking to an Indian lady

We still have Truist because it was easier for Lisa to transfer funds between the business and our personal account, but we have Suncoast Federal Credit Union now and as my business is winding down we are putting more cash in there instead. We only keep what we need in the bank to pay bills and keep the rest out. Truist (was Suntrust at the time) contacted Lisa about 3 years ago (before we pulled all our money out) and asked if we'd like to invest in CD's, and at the time as I recall, it was like 2.50% or 3% for 1 year and Lisa told them no. We had a branch close to where we used to live and had a safe deposit box there, but not enough traffic and they closed the branch. That pissed Lisa off because now she had to drive into Spring Hill to do any onsite banking.
We still have Truist because it was easier for Lisa to transfer funds between the business and our personal account, but we have Suncoast Federal Credit Union now and as my business is winding down we are putting more cash in there instead. We only keep what we need in the bank to pay bills and keep the rest out. Truist (was Suntrust at the time) contacted Lisa about 3 years ago (before we pulled all our money out) and asked if we'd like to invest in CD's, and at the time as I recall, it was like 2.50% or 3% for 1 year and Lisa told them no. We had a branch close to where we used to live and had a safe deposit box there, but not enough traffic and they closed the branch. That pissed Lisa off because now she had to drive into Spring Hill to do any onsite banking.
Kathy’s had this bank branch since the 80’s through a cpl names but really liked when it was Sun Bank? I think was the name?
Kathy’s had this bank branch since the 80’s through a cpl names but really liked when it was Sun Bank? I think was the name?

Suntrust. When they were Suntrust they were very personable and knew Lisa by name when she walked in. I liked going to the branch when we did banking stuff as they would get you a coffee or drink, some cookies or a donut, and discuss business like you were friends. That shit went away when they became Truist and I don't like them anymore. Soon as the business is done (it'll be a few years because I have residual income coming in for the next 5 to 10 years), then we'll close our accounts there.
I've also been a Suntrust/ Truist customer for a long time ; over 25 years ?
I was wanting a better "cash-back" credit card and Truist offered one so I applied and the SOB's turned me down ! With a credit score around 800 !
So I immediately researched and applied for a Citibank card that had even better terms and was approved immediately.
Cancelled the Truist card. Fork them !
I've also been a Suntrust/ Truist customer for a long time ; over 25 years ?
I was wanting a better "cash-back" credit card and Truist offered one so I applied and the SOB's turned me down ! With a credit score around 800 !
So I immediately researched and applied for a Citibank card that had even better terms and was approved immediately.
Cancelled the Truist card. Fork them !

I had a Citibank CC and they jerked the interest rate to 21%. Didn't even have a balance and when I got the card it was fixed. Pissed me off. Went to Suncoast Federal Credit Union, the nice young lady did the paperwork for me and I was approved for a $50k limit but told them I only wanted $25k and it's a fixed rate card at 11%. It's a cash back card and I think it's 1.5% back, so spending on the card we got cash back already. I closed the Citibank card down.
I’m with BOA and have a bus cash back card, just 2 days ago Kathy put the cash back $700+ towards the cc I think, don’t know what the interest is, I pay it off every month
I’m with BOA and have a bus cash back card, just 2 days ago Kathy put the cash back $700+ towards the cc I think, don’t know what the interest is, I pay it off every month

We had BOA like 15 years ago for one of my businesses and they pissed Lisa off, so she took that account to Suntrust.
We had BOA like 15 years ago for one of my businesses and they pissed Lisa off, so she took that account to Suntrust.
Kathy wanted me to move my acts to Suntrust but I’ve been with BOA a really long time and haven’t been too pissed off Yet
I had free checking with wf since 84, then about 3 years back they added a $25000 min to qualify combined moneys .... did that for a couple years but on a couple occasions I let that dip a bit below and they slapped a $25 fee on me. After a few of them I just walked away. On point has 0 fees, no min. and that $25k earns $100 a month. I love it when decisions are easy.
I personally think these banks implement these rules to benefit themselves and when the clients walk away they backtrack, but in most cases people are lazy and don't want to deal with making changes to all their financial stuff and the banks count on that.

To be perfectly honest, I don't deal with the bank stuff, Lisa always has, but when I lose my temper for bullshit, I've had her close accounts only to find out how much grief it caused Lisa. I let her handle it all now. I just make money (or used to).
When I was working at Wilson A/C & Refrig the company checks were Regions so I opened an acct there and kept a decent bal and I also had BOA, a cpl months before I opened my ac bus I opened business acts at both banks, soon after I started the bus I bought a large ac unit and was close to my Regions bank acct on funds (debit) well the Idiot behind the ac supply counter swiped the card Twice saying it didn’t go through the first time, close to $10K, well Regions gave me Over Draft charges on 12-13 charges that were placed Before the guy Fd up and when I asked the manager to show me on their computer the transactions I could see where the Idiot swiped the card Twice within seconds but the manger refused to straighten it out, I said “See that BOA across the street? I’m closing both my acts here NOW!” Corner of US19 & 22nd ave N, I didn’t have it set up to take $ from another acct to cover a F up but you’d think she’d of at least tried to work with me
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