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BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I think this is going to start popping up in WAY more dating profiles from here on out...

They all got some crazy in them to varying degrees, but it's picking the right one and taming the crazy into submission.
I've been telling friends that for a good while now, about a year ago I was helping a friend (same guy with the pocket door inside a wall) wire his new heated swim spa, his wife was inside the spa cleaning and telling him how much of a shitty job he did cleaning it a she kept going on & on about it, he looked at me kind of bewildered and I told him They're all like that but some are worse, you gotta a good one ;):LOL:
I've been telling friends that for a good while now, about a year ago I was helping a friend (same guy with the pocket door inside a wall) wire his new heated swim spa, his wife was inside the spa cleaning and telling him how much of a shitty job he did cleaning it a she kept going on & on about it, he looked at me kind of bewildered and I told him They're all like that but some are worse, you gotta a good one ;):LOL:

I won't say who it is, but someone I know, I was helping him and his wife was just being pissy and bitching, and this guy is just super mellow, and she kept going on and on, and he asked her nicely to stop embarrassing him in front of me, and she kept on and finally he snapped. He told her to shut the fuck up, and if she opened her mouth to say anything other than yes sir or no sir, he was going to punch her in the fucking mouth. Should have seen the look on her face (and probably an even bigger shock on my face). He told her he was done putting up with her shit and to pack her shit and get out. Then the water works started. I took my queue and got out of there. He called me later to apologize and then told me I'd never see that happen again and his wife would now be on her best behavior or her ass was in the street, and then he says did you hear that and I responded yeah, and he says not you, I was talking to her, and she says yes honey, I will never do that again and I'm sorry. Talk about a shock.
I won't say who it is, but someone I know, I was helping him and his wife was just being pissy and bitching, and this guy is just super mellow, and she kept going on and on, and he asked her nicely to stop embarrassing him in front of me, and she kept on and finally he snapped. He told her to shut the fuck up, and if she opened her mouth to say anything other than yes sir or no sir, he was going to punch her in the fucking mouth. Should have seen the look on her face (and probably an even bigger shock on my face). He told her he was done putting up with her shit and to pack her shit and get out. Then the water works started. I took my queue and got out of there. He called me later to apologize and then told me I'd never see that happen again and his wife would now be on her best behavior or her ass was in the street, and then he says did you hear that and I responded yeah, and he says not you, I was talking to her, and she says yes honey, I will never do that again and I'm sorry. Talk about a shock.
Well sounds like she got the Memo (y)
Mine would read,
Wanted, slim female with no disease's that just wants to phuk all day. Fatties need not apply and I don't want to date anyone, just bang you brains out.
Wonder if I would get any takers?:unsure:
Mine would read,
Wanted, slim female with no disease's that just wants to phuk all day. Fatties need not apply and I don't want to date anyone, just bang you brains out.
Wonder if I would get any takers?:unsure:
Oh you’d get takers 🤣🤣 EDIT I forgot and left out Bat Shit Crazy Takers 🤣
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