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69 L89 Elky

I don't think I've ever seen a 57 Ranchero. Definitely cool because it's so rare.
Probably a 292 Tbird engine ?

View attachment 19092
My dad bought ours it had the 312 Tbird engine, short time later he bought a 67 Ranger full size truck and gave me the 57 which didn’t take me long to over rev and blow up, he rebuilt it at a friend service station 1.5 blocks from our house showing me what he was doing then we got the engine back in the 57 he said You have to be easy on it for a Month!!! Well I blew that up pretty quick then he wouldn’t help 😆 so me and a friend put a 352 in it, then a 289 then I tore 3-4? trans up and dad finally just sold it not running around late 75 really cheap Oh Vacuum wipers really suck in Florida
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