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BBC head bolt question

Nashville Cat

Veteran Member
Senior Member
There are 10 long head bolts on a BBC cylinder head. But the ones I have look way too long ?
They stick out 2" from the cylinder head surface. The other bolts stick out 1".
What am I missing ? These are ARP bolts and are supposed to be for Brodix heads.
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There are 5 long head bolts on a BBC cylinder head. But the ones I have look way too long ?
They stick out 2" from the cylinder head surface. The other bolts stick out 1".
What am I missing ? These are ARP bolts and are supposed to be for Brodix
I can’t remember, I used ARP studs that came with my block from the 2nd owner after block was (Improperly) machined, maybe give Mike Lewis a call
Just called ARP. Summit had the #3606 kit labeled for "Brodix heads."
The Brodix Race Rites are basically stock heads and take the standard bolts, kit # 3601.
I have to return the 3606 kit and get the 3601.
I can't believe no one else has encountered this !
Should have been addressed in the description and I see someone asked this very question and the response from a purchaser was "I'm not sure". The beauty is Summit's return policy, the downside is if you're set to install right away.
I don’t even know the ARP part number to the head studs that came with my block but they worked fine, I’m guessing they were bought for either stock iron heads or Brodix, I’d think they’d all be the same but maybe raised Exh ports make the difference?
I've got the BB2 extra heads on my blower motor, with arp bolts. It's in storage, but I'll look next time I'm over there. These heads are HUGE, 365cc and designed for 540 and bigger engines, but this motor is a 454 with a 871, so that changes the math a bit.
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