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Houthis claim to have hypersonic missiles

Really just begging for preemptive strikes to eliminate this claimed threat!
Any independent verification, or just an unverified claim?
Hypersonic in the hands of insane terrorist just might be the crossed line that gets a Tactical Nuke in response.
Have to wonder why Iran is still standing too.
I`m a bit skeptical. We don't even have these yet and THEY do?
IF they do, (BIG IF) and they hit one of our ships with it, I believe we will turn Yemen into a glass parking lot. And Iran for that matter.
Think the oil wells there would Spark off like Giant candles that can’t be extinguished?
Hypersonics are conventional weapons. Why would anyone respond with a "tactical nuke" if they sink a ship with one of these ?
Do ya'll not know that China-Russia will come to their rescue if nukes start flying ?
There is no way we will launch a nuke because of a sinking ship.

This is Israel's problem, not ours !
BTW, this is what happens when you start a war with Russia, who is now giving these missiles to our enemies.
Because if they are indefensible as claimed it would not be one ship at risk, it would be ALL of them.
IF they actually have such they were a gift from Russia.
I was really hoping to die BEFORE the 'Tards ended the world.
I've got a better idea.
Deport all "Palestinians" to Iran.
Iran bought them, they should have them.
Then just make "The Gaza strip" officially part of Israel.
Israel will have to spend a couple of decades cleaning it all up and removing the ordnance.
I've got a better idea.
Deport all "Palestinians" to Iran.
Iran bought them, they should have them.
Then just make "The Gaza strip" officially part of Israel.
Israel will have to spend a couple of decades cleaning it all up and removing the ordnance.
If we had Russia as an ally (and China wasn't an enemy) , then we might be able to pressure Iran, Iraq, Saudi and Egypt to negotiate.
The knuckleheads running our country want to destroy us.
As another recent video thread pointed out, several local countries have had their own trauma with the "Palestinian" terrorist and want nothing more to do with them.
Iran literally bought and paid for them so should have to take them.
Would the Iranians shoot them to keep them out?
Maybe they would, maybe not.
Couple of small nukes will make glass out of them sand bastards. We could also drop a few MOABS on them like Trump did in Afscamastan.
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