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Russians : "We are taking ALL of Ukraine"

Nashville Cat

Veteran Member
Senior Member
This was predictable. Two years ago we turned down a great deal.
Now Ukraine is gone unless we send our boys to war ; which isn't happening.

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Sounds like a plan to me, but mush mouth will have something to say about that, but it might take an hour or two for him to get it out of his mouth with all his stuttering.
Sounds like a plan to me, but mush mouth will have something to say about that, but it might take an hour or two for him to get it out of his mouth with all his stuttering.
LOL, I bet it will be like Afghanistan. Democrats and the media will decide one day and it will never be mentioned again.
It will be like we were never involved with Ukraine. And half of americans will never notice.
I"ve never heard the idiot in chief st,st,st,studder.....it's brain collapse, symptoms are delayed cognitive recognition and/or misappropriated responses, an obvious cognitive search engine that's low on compression, and a bit of "fill in the blank" with pretty much anything that pops a brain wave. Yes, that's a 50 plus year politition that's peaked, if only he knew it.
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